History of Kran

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After several minutes of walking, Lord Silár had brought the four of them to a medical building constructed from grimrock bricks with several windows of strange pinkish glass, allowing the boys to see into the dim building. Inside, the interior consisted of one large room, littered with metal cots covered with clean but thin sheets.

Numerous orcs were scattered about the room, all being tended to by human mages. The healers all wore robes the color of ivory and had arms covered in runes, which would glow each time they casted a spell.

"Your healers are humans?" Cosmo asked, with surprise as Elias set Molniya down on a cot nearby, being careful to avoid the wound on her arm.

"Well, of course." Lord Silár answered, as though it should be obvious. "The only mages known to be true experts in healing magic are Trovvish or originate from the area nearby. We had to search far and wide to recruit these men, and they are one of the many prides of Kran."

"How can I be of assistance, Lord Silár?" A young mage strode over to the cot where Molniya laid, stirring in her unconsciousness. Her injured arm twitched and she winced.

The mage himself looked very similar to Elias, somewhat tall with a wide stature and blonde hair. His eyes were young and full of life, their azure color glimmering in the low torchlight. He had a smile that juxtaposed his environment.

"This lizardfolk was wounded just moments ago near the gate. At the very least, I would like the arrow removed and the bleeding stopped." Silár ordered, pointing to Molniya's injury. A sinking feeling settled in Cosmo's stomach as he looked at the blood that dripped down her arm. He thought he might be sick.

"The wound is quite severe." The young mage grimaced as he looked at the grisly scene. The arrow had lodged itself between Molniya's scales and through her forearm. "I have never worked on a lizardfolk before, perhaps it is best she is unconcious."

"I don't care whether this is your first time or not. Will you be able to heal her?" Lord Silár asked bluntly, a stony expression on his face.

"She will need to recover for several days afterwards, but yes." The mage rolled up his sleeves. "What I don't understand is why the healer she seems to be travelling with cannot do anything about it." He gestured towards Elias, whose face contorted in confusion.

"Surely you mistake me for another. I am doing all I can by bringing her to you." Elias bowed his head quickly. "I am greatly indebted for your service."

"Do not jest with me, friend. I can tell from your appearance that you also originate from Lady Tatiova's blessed land." The boy responded. "Surely you are capable of such magic." Cosmo and Lysander turned to look at Elias with wide eyes.

"You knew the incantations for healing magic all along and you didn't tell us?" Cosmo asked.

"No, you are greatly mistaken." Elias held his hands in front of him, trying to quiet his audience. "The family of healers in Neilien left soon after I grew to the age of ten. I had nobody capable of teaching me how. Now please," He sighed. "Enough with this conversation, my bandages were rudimentary and the trip here was surely not good for my friend's wound."

"Come, then, my brother. Let me show you how." The mage gestured for Elias to come forward, to which he reluctantly obeyed. The mage hovered his hands over Molniya's wounds. He closed his eyes and relaxed his body, like Cosmo had done in the forest in Wyrfel so long ago. "Heiln."

The mage spoke calmly as he pulled a stream of glowing white energy from Molniya's body, the bright light flowing like a river. He swirled the flow, forming a sphere of the strange water-like substance. His hands worked with the energy delicately as Molniya's body relaxed. Eventually, after the orb had become slightly bigger than the wound, the mage pressed it into her arm. Her skin glowed and the arrow was forced from her scales, dropping to the floor with a clatter. The blood that seeped to the surface was contained within the bubble of energy, immediately hardening and forming a thick scab on the surface of her light red scales. As the mage opened his eyes, the energy faded to nothingness, almost as though the spell had never been cast. Cosmo and Lysander couldn't believe their eyes.

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