City of Mangroves

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The party arrived at the vast docks of Cors early in the morning. Cosmo had managed to sleep for a few hours on the boat as they coasted over the water, which had been as smooth as glass the entire journey there. He had awakened just a few moments ago to a glowing mass of wooden buildings surrounded by swaths of people milling about, despite the early hour. Tall, black oil lamps were almost as numerous as the townsfolk surrounding them, providing a warm lighting to the streets and docks.

Cors was a simple town, constructed mostly from the wood of the black trees Cosmo had seen on the mainland. Cobblestone streets unsuccessfully defeating an onslaught of moss and overgrowth winded through the city, being pushed up by the roots of nearby mangrove trees, which grew just as rampantly as the detritivores which laid claim to the stone paths. Where the cracked walkways could not reach, petrified wooden piers stretched hundreds of feet into the sea, crowded by mariners, enormous trading ships, warships, passenger ferries, and market stalls, all buzzing with activity.

What Cosmo found the most bewildering was a towering stone temple, looming over the quaint wooden structures of Cors. Similar to how the Temple of Farvoraf seemed to be regarded as the center of Trovvs, this polished ziggurat was nearly impossible to look away from. Illuminated by a vast ocean of streetlights, the temple was guarded by a patrol of golems, tall enough to be seen all the way from the outside of Cors. A chill ran down his spine as Cosmo got a glimpse of their lifeless eyes, which were hollow and black.

"It is said that for as long as the mangroves populate the shores, the city of Cors will never sleep." Lileth said as she tied the boat to the docks with ease.

"Good." Molniya said. "They should give us enough cover so that we are able to remain hidden from Varren."

"Cover that we hopefully won't need. Let's just pray to Tatiova that Varren does not either recognize me or have some twisted spell that allows him to detect our presence." Elias made a face as he got out of the boat. Cosmo, Lysander, and Molniya followed as Lileth kept it in place.

"The inn I stay at is just up the road." Lileth said, after testing the knot she had tied. "Follow me." The five walked across the creaky dock, apologizing as they squeezed past the numerous patrons of the dockside merchant stands. This had been the first time in a long while where Cosmo had walked through the streets of a town and not received strange looks or glares. He chuckled and brought this to Molniya's attention.

"While my people may not be the most trusting, at least they live in a bearable climate." She shivered as she made the remark, scowling at the sharp gusts that cut through her clothes. "I'm going to freeze if I'm out here much longer."

"This weather actually reminds me of home." Cosmo smiled. "I don't mind it at all."

"Of course you don't mind it, Kyosah." She rolled her eyes. "I don't own a pair of thicker clothes. If you wear much more than what I am in the Boiling Pot, you'll collapse from a heat stroke before you get too far." Cosmo ignored her abrasive tone and sarcasm.

"Well, you're in luck. When fleeing from my home, I received a traveler's coat from an old friend." Cosmo quickly asked Lysander for his travelpack, struggling for a few moments until he produced the olive coat, looking somewhat worn from the weeks of travel. Molniya wrinkled her nose.

"It smells like a fumarole." She winced, recoiling from the scent as they traversed the busy street. Cosmo assumed fumaroles did not smell pleasant.

"Well, not much can be done about that." He responded, embarrassed. "But it will prevent you from freezing." She begrudgingly took the coat, slipping her arms through the sleeves, which were somewhat short on her. Wearing it, she looked adventurous and handsome, but also world-weary. Cosmo was brought from his thoughts when Lileth spoke up.

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