True Potential

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After the tension had subsided in the room, Arlinn offered the resources of the Blue Palace out to Cosmo's companions. Both Elias and Molniya had opted to scour the near infinite libraries present on the upper floors, while Lileth simply wanted a warm bath and a method to contact Elarra. Lysander initially wanted to be with Cosmo for the time being, making it clear through a single look from across the large spruce table. Cosmo, however, wished to be alone with Arlinn, making eye contact with him and subtly shaking his head. Downtrodden, Lysander instead decided to investigate one of the many halls filled with ancient artifacts, hoping to find something of arcane importance.

Now, nearly an hour later, Cosmo sat at the table facing the kitchenette as harsh sunlight streamed through the nearby windows. Arlinn stood with his back turned to him, washing the mugs they had just used by hand inside of an immense basin. Just as he was about to ask why a god would wash his own dishes by hand, Arlinn spoke up beforehand.

"Because after thousands of times washing the dishes by arcane means, it gets boring to watch. Sometimes I simply prefer to do things by hand." He spoke solemnly, not bothering to turn around and face Cosmo.

"I don't appreciate you reading my thoughts without my permission." He responded, a shiver rolling down his spine. It felt like Arlinn had physically stuck his fingers between the lobes of his brain.

"It isn't much of a choice when you're practically screaming the thought across the room." Arlinn chuckled and Cosmo looked dismissively out the window, ignoring it. "So, Cosmo. Each of your friends desire something for themselves," The sink stopped, causing Cosmo to look up at Arlinn as he turned around, drying his hands with a colossal towel. "Vin ra'al." the god interrupted himself, effortlessly casting a spell on the towel that wicked it dry, the water evaporating into the air. "What is it that I can provide you?"

The question struck Cosmo, probably more than what Arlinn intended it to. For a moment, he considered responding with that he desired nothing from the god, that nothing he could provide would ever repay the debt that Cosmo believed he owed. However, the more he began to think about it, the more he realized that he wasn't entirely sure exactly what he wanted.

"I'd like to see the Prism." He finally answered, still shaken by his introspection. Cosm decided to ignore the feeling for the time being, instead focusing on what he had been chasing for the past two months.

"Then I shall take you to it." Arlinn nodded, turning to the seven cups that sat on the counter next to him. "Va'al." In an instant, they vanished, and the god crossed the room, waiting for Cosmo in the doorway.

"What are those incantations that you use? The spellbook I own includes nothing like them." He asked, following as Arlinn began to walk down a nearby corridor. The walls were also lined with stained glass, painting a beautiful kaleidoscope of colors across the floor. Cosmo found it difficult not to stop amidst the light, mesmerized by the extraordinary patterns something as simple as particles of dust in the air could create.

"Oh, I suppose you wouldn't understand those. I've lived here by myself for so long, I forgot that others cannot understand the Eldest Language." Arlinn smiled somewhat to himself as they reached the end of the hallway and began to climb a spiral staircase that seemed to ascend for hundreds of floors.

"You know how to speak the-" Cosmo caught himself. "Nevermind, that's an obvious question."

"You need not hold your tongue around me, Cosmo." Arlinn looked down at him and smiled. "I contain the depths of human knowledge and much more. Seldom do I get a chance to share that."

"Why can't you?" Cosmo asked. "I'm sure many would appreciate it. Or am I once again mistaken?" The latter half of his response was tinged with the bitterness that still rested in his stomach.

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