chapter 8

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Staring in awe at the dormitory building, Ella felt like a small ant

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Staring in awe at the dormitory building, Ella felt like a small ant. The dormitory reminded her of Hogwarts, with a dark gothic architecture only contrasted with red and cream bricks. At the centre of the building was a large entrance, but Professor Rose Hemmings guided them to another much smaller entrance on the right side. Ella passed by tall windows and thick trees, and she marvelled at the sight of them.

"Hello, girls. As you can tell, we will not be using the main entrance of the dormitory but instead the separate entrance for female students only. In total, there are four entrances: the main central entrance, one at the front and the back of the building and two remaining entrances for each gender. You can treat this entrance as your private getaway as only girls can use these doors." The professor gave a cheeky wink making the girls giggle.

"Now as we enter inside, I want you all line up into two lines. There will be two female doctors who will conduct the health test and will explain it in greater detail. When you are finished, we will discuss more about the rooms!"

The girls all lined up into two separate lines, Ella walking calmly to the second one. Seeing all the girls excited gave her nostalgia, reminiscing of her times in high school. [Fufufu~ these girls are so young and cute, man I feel so old].

"Hello, students! We are Dr Yuki and Dr Yue. Don't worry, this test won't hurt you at all. We will just ask some simple questions. We'll then check your heartbeat, breathing, weight, height and mana. This is so that we ensure you girls are in top physical shape! It won't take longer than 5 minutes at most."

After a couple of minutes, it was Ella's turn. [Shit, why am I getting anxious all of a sudden? Chill girl].

"Hello. My name is Dr Yuki, what's your name and birthday, sweetie?" The young doctor reminded her of her mother which instantly relaxed Ella's worries.

"My name is Ella Deon. birthday is February 23."

"It says that you don't have any health issues, but just to double-check do you suffer from any illnesses?"

"Not that I can think of?"

"That's not a problem. I'll just take your height."

"Okay, 165cm, the average height."

After a few more tests, Ella only had the mana test left, the one she was most excited about.

"So lastly, is the mana test. I will place this mana measure on your chest and you will feel a pinch, but it won't last long. It'll only take a few seconds."

Dr Yuki placed a circular gold metal instrument with a white stone in the centre on Ella's chest. [That must be a piece of the mana stone in the Holy Temple!]. As soon as she placed it, Ella felt as though someone had pinched her arms. But as soon as she felt it, the pain was gone.

"Wow. Amazing, Ella! I think you are the most gifted person I've ever tested. I see you have the gift of light. I can't wait to tell my apprentice I've met a light user!"

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