Chapter 17

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As several days passed, Ella's life at the academy started to grow

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As several days passed, Ella's life at the academy started to grow. Her classes taught by expert professors made learning interesting in comparison to her previous days on earth. Not to mention controlling her ability of light was getting better and better. With just a few days of practice, Ella was able to create bubbles of light and even shoot a quick laser beam (that may have charred a bit of Damien's hair by accident).

Currently, she was sitting on a nice patch of grass near the rose gardens with the rest of the gang, taking in the warm sunlight. Merula was munching on a sandwich, secretly holding hands with Blaiz, while Damien and Wulff were having a playful spar fight.

Taking a deep sigh, she lied down on the grass, making a 'snow angel' form with her body.

[This is the life. If only things can remain this peaceful and relaxed]. A few moments later, Wulff rested on top of her, engaging in a tickle fight.

"Ahhh, stop it Wulff, you know I hate it- ahahahah!"

Playfully smacking Wulff, Ella leaned against him, as she took a peek at what he was reading.

"Is this for your assignment?" Ella asked.

"Yes. Fortunately, it's not a group assignment. The topic I chose is quite interesting, learning about the ancient underwater temples of Relesque Bay."

Looking closely at the pictures of the temples, she saw ruins of marble pillars, strange writings and a large red jewel.

"What's that?" She asked curiously, pointing to the gem.

"That's the Dragon's blood jewel," Wulff replied.

"It's rumoured to have been the blood of the Dragon Gods!" Damien interjected.

"Legend says that whoever owns the jewel will have unlimited power! Or at least...that's what my parents told me." Damien smiled sheepishly, scratching his head.

" it's like a myth then?"

"You can sort of say that. Nobody has seen the jewel since the collapse of the Relseque empire in 343 BC. Scholars have said that it is buried in a secret location, or lost forever to the ocean." Wulff answered.

"Oh, cool that. I wonder...unlimited power seems nice..."Ella muttered

"It's a curse," Blaiz interrupted.

"Damn, okay Blaiz. Says you, the actual Prince." Ella chuckled.

"It's true though. With power, there's just too much duty and responsibility. Being an aristocrat alone is hard work for me, but imagine being the ruler of the world." Merula said, sighing.

"You're right, I'd rather spend my days feasting in the academy's buffet!" Damien replied.

The group laughed, unaware of the troubles that lay ahead.


The next day as Ella was walking out of her Herb and Potions class, she was quickly called by Blaiz.

"Oh, hey Blaiz. What's up?"

"Good morning, Ella. I have something to ask you. Is it alright if we private?"

"Huh, sure! Of course!"

Walking into a quiet section of the Greenhouse, the Prince gave a proposal.

"You see, Merula's birthday is coming up soon and I would like to consult you on what to give her. In the past, I would give her gifts of jewellery and books but I would like to give her something more personal now that we're ahem- closer." His ears became a bright pink.

Ella giggled at the sight of the blushing Prince.

"Sure no worries! Are you free this weekend? I wanna give her something as well. We can kill two birds with one stone!"

"Yes, I am free this Saturday but kill two birds with one stone?"

"'s just a saying back from home, don't worry about it. Then it's settled! I'll meet you let's say the Academy Square at 11 am on Saturday. Then we can take the bus to the city." Giving a thumbs up.

"Okay, that sounds like a plan." Awkwardly giving a thumbs-up back.

As Ella playfully patted his back, she saw Blaize slowly fall into a vine plant. As she rushed to grab him from falling, she underestimated her strength, stumbling together on the ground. Lying on top of Blaize, Ella groaned in pain before rolling off.

"Goddammit, my back. least I tried." Ella got up, before helping Blaize.

"You okay, Prince?"

"Yes, I'm alright. Although our clothes would beg to differ."

Taking a glance at the Prince and onto her dirty uniform, Ella laughed aloud, the Prince joining in.

"Haha, look at your hair, Blaiz! It's like a bird's nest!"

"Yours too, Ella."

As they dusted themselves off, Blaize leaned in to grab something in Ella's hair.

"Oh, there's something in my hair?"

"Yes, just some leaves. But you're all good now."

Letting out a big sigh and a loud chuckle, they were unaware of the quiet footsteps not far from them.

"Alright, let's head to dinner. I'm bloody starving."

A/N Hello everyone, I'm back! It's been a crazy awful hectic year

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A/N Hello everyone, I'm back! It's been a crazy awful hectic year. I know that I had told my readers that I would sign a contract with Webnovel but after a tumultuous year I've decided against it as I believe that my stories shouldn't be limited by money. I will however apologise in advance as I want to complete this story but my writing has been poor so the narrative may get weak. :)

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