chapter 9

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As both girls begin to unpack their belongings, Ella scanned her own room. The tall window gave through large amounts of sunlight and outside her window, she could see the vast gardens and trees. The bed was much bigger than her old bed back with her mother and made her feel like royalty. [Definitely king-sized!]. The desk and chair were made of sturdy brown wood, and fortunately, the Academy was kind enough to give each of them their own mirror.

[The room seems a little empty, so I want to decorate it heaps with cute pictures!].

Unpacking the last of her clothes, she placed a frame of her and her mother on the bedside table. Opening her 'secret' journal, Ella began to write down the events of the day.

"It seems that Merula is a quiet and isolated character. She seems almost like a tsundere but not? Her family's upbringing must have contributed to the destruction of her character. She appears to not have friends from the way she's acting, and she gets flushed from praises. For now, she seems harmless so I'll do my best to prevent her from a bad ending.

However, I don't recall Ella and Merula being roommates? Maybe it wasn't significant enough...But oh well. I'll stick with Merula and be her friend. But that'll mean I might see the other characters..."

Ella sighed. [This is much tougher than I thought].

"At least my mother left some cookies. I'll share them with Merula and hopefully, I can get some questions out of her."

Knocking on Merula's door, she entered. Looking around Merula's room, it was clean and tidy with only a couple of pens and notebooks.

"Hey Merula, do you want some cookies? I bought them from a cafe place down in the city."

"Hmm...okay." Merula hesitantly took a bite of the cookie.

"They're not poisoned trust me. Although they are a bit too sweet for my liking." Ella said as she took a handful of cookies in her mouth and sat on Merula's bed.

"We haf an howa left, and I waz finking we shoud decowate owa room so it's more cozshi!" Ella said, mouth filled with the sweet dessert.

Translation: We have an hour left, and I was thinking we should decorate our room so it's more cozy!

Merula laughed.

"Sorry, heehee. We should decorate our room and make it more home-y! It's a bit bland, what do you think, Merula?"

"It does seem a bit empty right now...what do you suggest?"

"Well, maybe some tablecloths for the kitchen and dining table to make it more pretty! I think to avoid the room getting dirty we should buy a shoe rack as well and some indoor slippers. I'd love to hang some art prints too!"

"Wow...that sounds amazing. I wonder if there's a store that would sell these things." Merula asked, grabbing another cookie.

"I'm sure there would be since the Academy is quite large. There must be some sort of general store...But for the meantime, let's write down all the things we need!"

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