chapter 10

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"Are you able to finish that? It's your third plate

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"Are you able to finish that? It's your third plate." Wulff asked.

"Of course! I've put it on my plate, plus it's rude not to finish it all, that's what my mother said." Ella replied, taking a big chunk of buttered bread.

"If you say so~" Wulff grabbed a slice of buttered bread, ignoring Ella's scowl.

"You're friends with Merula?"

"Hmm...oh yeah! She's a really sweet girl. Wait.. how'd you know?" Ella put her fork down. [How does Wulff know about her? Are they connected somehow?].

"I saw you two walking out of the dormitory together. Those in high society know all about her family and her engagement with the Prince."

"Then...are you part of high society?"

"Something like that...but I don't like to get involved unless it's necessary." Wulff's eyes sharpened as he looked at Ella.

"But you should be careful. Your friendship might draw unwanted attention."

"Of course! I already get so many stares, but it's gonna get worse now that I'm with Merula. Gosh, I wish people would mind their own business." Ella sighed.

['Unwanted attention'...did he mean the public...or the royal family? Or is it another party I'm unaware of? Wait... did he play the game also?].

"Keep your head up. Don't overthink too much." Wulff ruffled her hair.

"I don't like seeing you sad. Here, have some cake." He placed a piece of red velvet cake on his spoon putting it near Ella's mouth.

Wulff gave a knowing look to Ella, wanting to feed her. She pouted before letting him feed her.[He's treating me like a kid! But the cake is yummy so imma let this slide].

"If you face some troubles ahead, I'll always protect you, so just be yourself. You don't have to worry."

"Woah...are you my own personal knight, Wulff? So cool~" Ella said, teasing him.

"Yes. Now finish your plate."

"Okay, Mister Knight! Whatever you say," before Ella stuffed her face with another bite.


"Okay, students! The next orientation activity are your classes. At Leon Academy, there are four compulsory subjects and two electives for your first semester. These compulsory subjects are History, Literature, Gift Training and Gift Properties and Ethics.

On the sheets given to you this morning, the list of electives is outlined ranging from the Arts to Sword Fighting. From your second semester onwards, you will choose two majors to focus on with four electives, but that is for later.

For the rest of the day, there will be specific rooms dedicated to the subjects and electives. These rooms will be led by the Professor of the particular course, who will introduce their speciality, topics that will be learned and so on. You will be able to have a taste of the course and make up your mind on what to study."

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