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The next test was a representative test. Two for a vocal unit and three for a dance unit. We had ended up putting Geonu and Heeseung in the vocal unit, whilst K, Jay and Jungwon had ended in the dance unit. 

So far the units have trained together and the rest of us had been divided into extra units to rehearse, so that everyone could step in if it was needed. I had asked to be a dance stand in, as I wasn't comfortable with having to sing that many lines in Korean, yet.

So for three days I have now been practicing the dance either by myself or with some of the other boys, who had either offered to help me or asked for my help.

"I-Landers move to common area."

I looked around in confusion along with the other boys before rushing with the boys upstairs to look at the screen, which the couches faced.

"We'll now show you the practice videos from the Ground."

We all cooed in excitement before sitting down on the couches to watch. I had ended with a seat between Geonu and Heeseung. I excitedly sat and watched as the dance unit from the Ground got their practice video shown. As their vocal unit appeared on screen a wide grin immediately spread on my face as I excitedly patted Heeseung's arm.

"Su-Sunoo," I pointed out to him as I pointed to the screen, just making Heeseung let out a small laugh at me.

I sat in awe and watched as the vocal unit from the Ground did their performance on the practice video. They were real good, and their voices fit the song perfectly. In a way I wanted the Grounders to win, so that there were a chance that Sunoo and I would be reunited to practice together once more. I really missed having him around, and my hairtie.

When he had gotten eliminated after the last test he still had my hairtie around his wrist, and I have yet to get it back. So all my practicing so far had either gone with a hoodie holding my hair back from my face, byt it being tied tightly around my face, or having used a shoelace to hold it out of my face. Neither of those were completely optimal in any way.

Even after the screen had turned off I had continued sitting in the couches. Right now I really wanted to go to the Ground, I did enjoy being at I-Land and liked that it meant I was in the top thirteen trainees, but I just missed Sunoo and how we always would enjoy practicing with one another. Not saying I don't like practicing now, I just miss it... a lot.

By the end of the week we had switched Jay with Sunghoon, and had ended up winning the representative competition. When it had been announced I had wanted to jump up in glee, but at the same time I had wanted to rush out on stage to hug Sunoo tightly, after seeing how disappointed he had ended up being.

I really really wanted to train with him again, but there were nothing I could do about it. I could just hope he held his head high, as high as his hopes for moving up once again.

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