The end games.

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"Dad!" She shrieked, and a few moments passed until she heard the clumsily thumping tumble closer towards her, the dull Sunday sky casting shadows across her tired complexion that aged her awfully.

"What?" He panted, concern and shock rupturing his features, an alarmed expression glazed across his eyes.

"I think its done." The girl glancing back from the relection, had kept the same appearance for more than three days, which normally she would have changed every hour.
"What do you mean? He spoke, eyeing her whilst moving closer, the oven mitts still firmly on his hands, obviously having ditched the alter-motive behind them.

"I've looked like this for more than 24 hours, I'm pretty sure this is it."

"A-And you're sure?" His voice carried so much uncertainty that it nearly made her roll her eyes.

"Yeah-" her following sentence was interrupted by a loud clash below the second floor, multiple loud moments, edging closer towards them.

She then, knew who it was. Her theory was proven correct when he busted through the door.

"Electra!?" Paul almost screamed, nearly tearing the bedroom door of its hinge, his expression was panicked and dripping with fear, but it soon morphed into relief, then eventually concern. He looked towards my father questionably.

"I-I" He managed to stutter, looking ridden with confusion. "Are you okay? I was on my way here, when I felt something was wrong." His eyes scanning over me briefly, obviously looking for any sign of disturbance.

"I'm fine, really, I think I've stopped changing." I spoke, tucking the now black strand of hair behind my ear.

"And you've looked this way for a while now?" He asked, having not seen me because of his patrols. I nod, answering his question.

"I'm just glad that you're alright, so, no more changing?

The two had been looking so intently at eachother, slowly edging closer until her dad had muttered that he'd be down stairs, smelling the burning from the oven down below.

Once he had left, he nearly knocked her over as he hugged her. "You're beautiful, El. No matter how you look." She blushed at this.

She looked at her reflection once more, her skin stayed the same dark hue, her eyes had shifted to a vibrant purple, her hair, was a mess of gold.

Her legs covered and her hands tightly tucked into her jacket, she sat with Paul, her arm tightly intertwined with his as they sat on a medium sized sofa, Paul taking up most of it while she leaned against him.

"You really need to go to school, Electra." He spoke only the truth, "Not that I don't love seeing you, trust me, I do. But you need to graduate."

"I know." She sighed, now that her transformations stoped, she could go back. She had no idea what she was going to tell the people that would clearly recognise her name, but not her face.

"You only have two years left, and we'll come up with a reason." He reassured with a small smile, whilst shifting to holding her hand.

"I'll start monday, alright?" She said in an exasperated tone. He simply smiled at her. Truth be to be told, she was getting incredibly bored while waiting. She glanced over when she saw Leah enter through the glass doors, almost forgetting to roll her eyes at them, as she seemed in a hurry, looking flustered and awfully shocked.

"Are you okay?' Electra called out behind her, in return, she just glanced at their intertwining hands, rolled her eyes and walked towards the hall of Sam and Emily's small home.

Turning towards Paul, concern and confusion edged onto her face. Paul was just as confused as her.

"She'd normally throw in a few insults when encountered, somethings up." Its not that Electra didn't like Leah, it was that Leah didn't show any kindness towards her. "Shes like that with everybody, we'll find out soon though, hard to keep a secret here." She nodded, understanding the packs ability to read each others thoughts.


Monday morning came all too soon, she'd decided on transferring to forks, which would be harder, but better to start new. This news saddened Paul, but he knew it was for the best.

She let him drive her to school in her car, considering the road was wet, as his sudden need to protect her sprung out. She kissed him, and turned to walk to towards school, expecting him to take her car now, and pick her up later, but he simply ran towards the woods, shooting her one last smile and then he was gone. She shook her head, laughing.

I apologise for such a long time without anything to feed on, feeling my groove again, and all your lovely votes and comments!

Peace and love! *author

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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