Awkward yet confidant

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"Jesus Electra what did you get up to?" My father questions concern in his voice as I treed through the house

"Some guy hit me in the face with a ball." I groan. Half of my body is covered in dirt and my shorts are grass stained. Fuck you Paul. He lets a howling laugh whilst I glare at him. I smirk and raise my hand. Causing wind to blow the newspaper he is currently examining fly to the other side of the living room.

He smirks at me.

"Well I see who's improved in air bending?" I roll my eyes.

"Come here." He motions me towards him. I sigh and he whispers something. My cuts over over with skin and the dirt evaporates before my eyes. Gross

"Thanks Dad." I smile. "Still got it." He murmurs with a fist pump. I chuckle.

"Were meeting with a friend of mine tomorrow afternoon." He notifies. I nod and tred to my room. I open the door to my personal chambers and reveal a tidy, basically empty space. I'll need to add to this, I open the moon shaped draw. I know.

I relise that most of my funature is abstract. Sighing I pull out a pair of jeans and my favourite black singlet. Replacing my dirty clothes with the ones chosen. I sigh and skip to my bed. Sitting next to the bed Side table I pull out my favourite book. I smile at the cover. Harry potter and the Half blood prince. I lay back and read the first few chapters.

I yawn and knock the book of my bed. I groan and step up. Awkwardly pulling my jeans of whilst picking my night clothes of from the heap on the floor. As you can see. Im not very tidy. I slip on my one-se. (Don't judge). I Run/Walk to my bed. I let a giggle slip from my lips before sleep consumes me.

"Wake up Lee!" My father shouts. With one swift movement of his hand. The curtains open. Revelling the sun. I gape. "You need to teach me that." I state in awe whilst rubbing my eyes. He chuckles and tosses me a thumbs up. I laugh and get up from my warm bed. Its so fucking cold. I press my feet against the cold floor and shiver. I open the draw to reveal only one option of clothing.

A dress.

I sigh in frustration. I groan and snatch it.

Its a basic ivory dress. I strip and slither in to the dress. Its not that I hate dresses its just I dislike them. I notice my fishnet stocking hanging from the draw.

A evil smile plasters its way upon my face. I roll down the stockings on my legs. Im not the skinniest of girls. Ive never bean that little friend. I don't have a flat stomach nor the skinny legs. But to be honest. I don't give one flying fuck what anybody thinks. Everybody has insecurities. I sigh and swagger to the floor grabbing my run down. Second hand converse high tops. I honestly don't understand why one shoe needs laces of that length. I groan at my inter monolog and lace the shoes.

I stand up and focus on the stereo. I slowly raise my hand and the small object turns to life. I smile.

I skip to the music devise. I decide on playing Nirvana. Luckily the music travels down and through out the house.

I skip down the stairs. My farther is reading something. "Hello Bob." I smirk. "Hello Electra." He raises an eye brow. "All your jeans were dirty?" He questions nodding towards my outfit. I glare and nod.

"Well guess what got here today?" He teasingly questions. I groan. He's goof at guessing games.

"A Unicorn with chuck Noris playing a base guitar?' I gasp sarcastically.

"Nope." He raises his finger to the air. The words spelling out "Car" With water from the vase. I gasp and sprint to the garage. He is most Deffently correct.

There lay a Beautiful Classic. I stand in awe of this car. I sense my fathers smile. I turn and hug him.

"This is fucking awesome. Thanks." I nuzzle into his chest. He smirks and drops the keys I get the game and stop the keys before they fall to the ground.

"Good levitation skills." My father complements. I smirk and run to the car. Unlocking it. I jump in.

I start the ignition and reverse out. I wave to my dad before racing down a nearby street. Wholly shit. He put my music in here! I open the glove box skilfully slowing down. I grab a Marilyn Manson disk. I feed it into the machine. I selected the fifth song. I smirk and look up to the road. The car has back leather interior with a green steering wheel. The wheels are a glossy silver. I decide on the beach. Where I ran, well hit in to Paul. I smile at the memory. I press my foot to the pedal and excel forwards.

I skid to a stop When I reach the beach parking lot. I cut the engine and skip out. I jump on the hod of the car. I lay back on the front. Perfect view of the ocean. I pinch my lip to see if I remembered to ware my Snake bite. Yes! I wore the blood red one. It looks kind of unavoidable but I love it. "Electra!" A voice knocks me out of my state of thought.

Paul's POV.

"Is that um. Is that Electra?" Seth nod towards a female relaxing on a amazing car.

He suddenly gains my full attention.

"Where?!' I exclaim. shout out her name. I can not get this girl of my mind. Well after all. Shes my imprint. I grin. She opens her beautiful eyes to smile at me.

She looks angelic with her flowing brown hair. Her ivory skin and her breathtakingly beautiful eyes. Shes so beautiful- No beyond Beautiful

I just cant get over it. She looks amazing in her dress that shows her perfect body. Her legs- Her legs are- Beyond sexy. Her lips..

"Paul?" Her soft angelic voice knocks me out of my lovestruck puppy smile.

"Hey Electra." I say breathlessly. She giggles. Oh her giggle.

"Whats shaking?' She leans against the car. I chuckle. Shes so adorable. Seth comes to stand next to me. He mentally undresses her with his greedy little eyes. I feel like smashing his scull in.

"Hey." Seth smiles at my imprint. I glare daggers at Seth. He sees this and smirks.

"Hello." She nods. Rolling on the balls of her feet. She smells of cherries. I smile.

"This your car?" Seth asks. I hate the way he looks at MY imprint.

"Yeah. My dad got it for me." She smirks proudly at the vehicle. I smile at her and she looks down with a adorable yet Beautiful shade of pink across her ivory skin. Shes perfect.

"Well. I better get going. I was just testing this baby out." She pats the hood of the car lovingly.

"Bye." Seth grins. I glare and smile lovingly at her. She waves before she gets in the car and drives away.

"You got it bad bro." Seth chuckles. I punch his arm

The girl with a wolf. (Paul Lahote love story) :Hiatus:Where stories live. Discover now