More changes?!

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"Don't move." He says slowly. I nod and let out a painful sob.

He carefully lowers my body on the soft bed, I squint my eyes, whats happening? The fire starts at my feet, and eventually starts to strengthen. My hands are numb and my breathing is hard.

"Dad, It burns!" I spit though clenched teeth. My entire body is on fire. He holds my hand tighter.

My scull, a penetrating rhythm, My legs aching and my organs throbbing.

"Your eyes, they are just changing." He coos softly. I let out painful screech. My muscles are aching and my eyes are sore from the tears. I feel the sweat slowly dripping down my face, My body arches forward as the pain softens. I breathe out and collapse on to the bed. I softly close my eyes and loose consciousness.


"Electra, wake up.." My eyes flutter open, with the sound of his voice. My father holding a vile with a shimmering liquid.

"W-What is that?" I stutter, nodding in the direction of the small vile.

"This? Its like, medicine for our type-"

"How many more of our kind are there?" I ask, gathering the strength to sit up, and grimacing painfully.

"Not many, maybe fifty thousand around the world?" He answers, before turning back to the vile.

"Now, this is called greenethla, ancient pain reliever for Elementals." He passes me the glass of shimmering, sliver liquid. Taking the glass, and just before gulping it. Taking a deep breath

"Bottoms up.." He chukles, The liquid tastes awful, I almost cough it up.

"What the hell is this?-"

"Its awful, I know. But it will stop most of the pain."

"Thank, Dad." Swiftly hugging him, and giving him a smile.

Paul's Pov (thought we needed him)

"-Thats why her father needs to talk to you." I finish explaining

"This is an abomination Paul! Do you know how harm she could commit?" Sam sneers through gritted clenched teeth.

"Sam,This isn't debatable. Shes my imprint and the pack can't and will not her." I glare, Full protective mode.

"I know shes your imprint, But we need to make sure she is of the reservation whist her change is occurring." He sighs whist rubbing temples. I growl.

"I must leave with her,"

"Paul, we need you here!"

"I know, Sam but she needs me too, I love her more than anything."

"Paul, I understand you want to be with your imprint, I know how it feels, but you are needed here. Its your duty-"

"Don't give me that shit, sam. I need to be with my imprint, especially when shes changing." I snap.

"Look, fine. You can but, once the change is over, you must get back here." His alpha kicking in, whilst he sighed in defeat.

"Yes, anything." I thank him.


The sky, clouded over and dull, extremely depressing. Pulling the bright green shirt closer to my body, the memories of Paul flood in. His sparkling brown eyes, then seem to never end. Gosh, I wish he was here.

Merlin, I sound like an obsessive freak, or is it the feeling of actually being a teenage girl feels like? I don't know whats wrong with me, if I'm slowly getting more anxious to see him, or I'm slowly starting to develop feelings for him.

With him, I feel complete, But alone, I feel lonely as usual.

What on earth is wrong with me?


Alrighty my muggles, Please don't hurt me for not updating. I needed sometime to create new material.

I love you all, the views are amazing. My heart warmed so much, seeing your supportive comments.

You made this happend, thank you, so much.

Please, if you have the time. VOTE, COMMENT, FAN.


I don't deserve your kindness, thank you all <3

The girl with a wolf. (Paul Lahote love story) :Hiatus:Where stories live. Discover now