The fight

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Paul, to say the least, had two moments which he could count to always make him smile.

The day he, guiltily, hit his imprint with a ball, was the best day of his life, as bad as he felt, and the day where she admitted to feeling the same way about him, also showing him her powers was a pretty great bonus.

But, as he stood, the ground white from the freshly fallen snow, his imprint on his back, her small hands clinging onto his fur as the, he was informed, volturi, stood in a sort of Leech formation, it made him sick to his stomach. It didn't help that he was in attack mode over his imprint, that many leeches in one area, really didn't sit well with him, and made him want to run Electra the hell out of there, but he knew deep down that they needed her, and he knew here not being here was a chunk out of their defence.

She'd reluctantly promised to be with him the entire time, and if a fight broke out, she'd let him take her away. They stood a fair amount of space away from the bad leeches, he made sure of it.

He felt sick from the stench of the parasites, his instinct telling him to trot over there and decapitate everybody without a pulse, but the feeling of Electra's fingers twirling the fur on his head, stopped him, her scent almost masked the vampires.

Electra, wouldn't admit this to Paul, but she was terrifyed, the blood red eyes of the soulless monsters, just there. She held onto Paul tightly, her skin glowing purple, her father on the other side, shinning blue.

Aro, had caught her glance, curious to why Elementals where fighting, well, witnessing for Renesmee.

The truth was that she adored the little girl, Jacobs imprint.

She understood the bond between imprints, and knew that Jacob wanted all the protection for Nessie that he could get, she could simply use her powers to help get her to safty, which she fully intended on doing.

She put up her shield and one of the counsel glanced her way, and looked intrigued. Aros glance one again met hers, and he smiled, sickeningly slow.

"An Elemental." He breathed, his eyes flicked towards her father.. "Oh, how exciting, two." She heard Paul growl a menacing snarl, getting ready to attack. She lowed her head to his ear, and whispered that she was fine, she felt him relax. His crimson eyes followed Paul.

"Oh, the elemental has been claimed!" He let out a musical laugh, and smiled towards her, making her stomach turn.

"How powerful we would be with you, my dear..."' He spoke again

"I'm not interested." She spoke, her instincts telling her to completely change, she thought of how Paul close was, and chose to keep calm.

His face become stony, and Paul tensed.

"Che peccato.." His eyes flicked to Isabella, "Young Bella... immortality becomes you."

She simply glanced at him, Electra admired Isabella for the fact that she was instantly ready to give up everything, in a second for Her daughter,

"We will not fight today!" He stood up, his words directed at everybody. "But, maintaing our secret has never been more difficult." His eyes briefly flickered to Renesmee, before Jacob snalred, Electra couldn't blame him, his imprint, no less than a few inches away from something that would destroy his world and his reason for living.

The volturi decided to leave, after a few words that they would return, to see what had happened after a few years of her maturing, the wolves retreated and the Cullen's did also.

"Paul, can we go to the Cullens, please?" She said in a hushed tone, next to his ear which made him shiver with each word.

He let out a wimper, and shook his big head left, then right, indicating that he wouldn't.  

Paul adored electra, and wanted her to have everything she wanted, but her retreating back to the Cullen's was simply not happening, when sam made the pack go there once, he wouldn't let go of her, with all the extra vampires, he was on guard the whole time, he trotted back with her on his back, she snuggled into his fur and he thought he could die happy, right then and there.


hulo thereee.

*hides behind shield*

don't killl me guys, I hope you enjoy this a little, in the next chapter I'll be getting into detail about her former life, I would like to give a huge bear hug to corninnemacphee for giving me the will and inspiration to write again, this wonderful person helped me decide the path that this story will go,in and I thank her eternally x

AND, I would like to thank YOU, yes you. YOU MADE THIS STORY, and I could not have done it without you, I couldn't be more greatful, I love each and every one of you, I DECLARE THIS STORY, off hiatus!

The girl with a wolf. (Paul Lahote love story) :Hiatus:Where stories live. Discover now