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Eden slowly woke up and rolled out of bed to go shower with thoughts running in her head 'What do I do? Does Fred even like me? How do I feel about Cedric' She finished up in the shower and pulled on her black high-waisted leggings and a grey Nike crewneck. Eden started heading down for breakfast and out of her common room when she was met with a familiar red headed boy. As she met his eyes she tried to walk past him but he stepped out in front of her "E, please talk to me" Eden looked past him as he spoke "Okay fine, I'll talk... Why the hell would you attack Cedric like that when he didn't do anything wrong?!" Fred's face twisted like he was trying to find his words "Listen E, I don't get why you were sitting with Cedric, I thought we had something... You sitting with Cedric made my blood boil and I really don't see why you had to be holding his hand" Fred started to change his tone and he seemed to get angry.

"Seriously?! Fred I can't believe you! You were sitting with your arm around Angelina so why would you think we had something!?" Eden started to yell at Fred while pushing him, Fred went to speak but was cut off... "You really think we would have something when you just can't stop flirting with Angelina?! You're such a dickhead Fredrick Weasley! Just leave me alone..." Eden left without saying another word.

As she reached the Great Hall she saw Cedric sitting at the Hufflepuff table and she decided to walk over to him. "Hey Diggory" Cedric turned around smiling "Good morning Lupin, how did you sleep?" he pointed to the empty seat next to him. "I slept alright... how did you sleep?"

"Oh I slept pretty well, what made you sit over here with me today?" Cedric tried to contain a small smile "Oh well you know... a change of scenery and I quite enjoy the conversations I have with you" Eden smiled up at Cedric who had a huge smug grin plastered on his face. "Sooo, you enjoy our conversations... how about this weekend we have a conversation at the three broomsticks?"

"Are you asking me on a date Diggory?" Eden was trying to contain a blush that was slowly creeping onto her face 'Well yeah, if you want to go" Cedric started to blush himself "I would love to" she now let out a small laugh causing Cedric to also let out a little laugh. They continued eating and parted ways after breakfast to go to their designated classes.

It was time for Edens lunch break so she started making her way to The Great Hall when she heard moaning coming from a classroom. She was going to continue walking to get lunch when she heard a specific name "Fuckk... Fred" it was Angelina and all of the sudden Eden felt sick and her appetite was gone. Eden felt her blood boil and instead of going to lunch she rushed to the library to study up for potions.

Cedric was looking for Eden since she wasn't at lunch and eventually found her in the library "Hey beautiful, I brought you an apple... I didn't see you at lunch so I figured you didn't eat"

"Thank you, I just decided to study" Eden had calmed down since she heard what was going down in the classroom. "Of course, but you do have potions in ten minutes so lets get you there yeah?" Cedric walked Eden to class and kissed her forehead before she entered the classroom which earned her a glare from Fred.

"Alright everyone time to pair you all" Snape said in his dreadful voice "Ms. Bell with Mr. George Weasley, Jordan you're with Pucey..." he continued till there were only two people left "Ms. Lupin please take a seat next to the other Weasley" it felt as though Snape knew you wanted someone else as your partner.

"Lupin..." Fred said staring down at Eden while she just rolled her eyes at him and focused on the task at hand. "You will be making Wolfsbane Potion with your partners" Snape dragged out "E, why wont you talk to me?" still ignoring him she just scoffed and added more ingredients to their cauldron. "Eden... will you just talk to me already" Fred said with an annoyed tone to his voice "Weasley if I wanted to talk to you I would have by now" she turned back to the potion and continued to stir and finish the potion. Snape checked the potion and let the two of them leave as it was done correctly and that was the only thing they were doing in class.

Fred pulled Eden into an empty hallway despite her arguments to let her go, "Tell me what your problem is!" Fred raised his voice at her "YOU SHAGGED ANGELINA! I HEARD IT YOU STUPID GIT! NEXT TIME USE A SILENCING CHARM" Fred looked at her dumbfounded and before he could say something she cut him off to speak again "You told me you didn't want to be with her Fredrick! You fucking lied to me! But I should've expected that" she turned to leave but Fred grabbed her by the wrist pinning her to the wall kissing her passionately. She kissed him back as the kiss deepened and Fred's hand snaked around her throat causing her to moan slightly allowing him to slip his tongue into her mouth.

Eden quickly pulled away from him realizing that this was wrong, she was furious and he was just with Angelina. In one swift movement she moved out of his grasp and left him standing in the hall alone flipping him off as she walked away.

Everyone made their way to dinner and as Eden was walking she felt a familiar arm wrap around her waist as they continued to walk.

"Hey Diggory" Eden playfully smirked up at him as they walked to the Hufflepuff table and sat down for dinner. They had multiple conversations whether it was about how their school day went or about their upcoming date. As Cedric was talking to his friends Eden let her eyes wander to the Gryffindor table to see a pissed off Fredrick Weasley as they made eye contact. She simply flipped him off as she saw that Angelina was running her hand up and down his arm and looked away continuing to finish her dinner.

As dinner finished Cedric walked her back to her common room with her hand in his. "Goodnight Diggory" and as Eden turned away to go to the entrance of the common room he pulled her into him. He kissed her, it was slow and gentle only lasting a few seconds "Goodnight Lupin" Cedric gave her a confident smile and a wink and walked away to go to his dorm.

Eden entered her common room and went up to her dorm right away, she changed into some sweats and a tank top, crawled into bed and continued going over her day till she drifted off into a peaceful sleep excited about her date with Cedric soon.

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