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TW: Violence and Language


A few days had passed and Winter break was over so now we were headed back to Hogwarts. Everyone got on the train after saying goodbye to Molly and Arthur, I decided to sit with the twins first before going to find Cedric. A few minutes went by and Angelina popped through the door and into Fred's lap, at this moment I left to go see Cedric not wanting any death flares today.

Making my way through the train I stopped by to say hello to a few of my friends including Luna, Dean, Seamus, and my only Slytherin friend Blaise. Finally I got to the compartment that Cedric was in only he wasn't with his usual friends, he was with Cho who always seemed to give me dirty looks.

As I entered the compartment Cedric stood up to give me a hug and I decided to give him a quick kiss so he could return to the conversation he was having. The both of us sat down next to each other while holding each other's hands while I just observed their conversation not wanting to barge in.

Cho would look over every few minutes just to give me some kind of nasty look, I will never understand why she hates me but I always assume it's because she has some kind of crush on Cedric.

I decided to ignore this because I was just happy to see Cedric again. Even though Cedric and I had our share of fights we always made it work in the end and that's what I loved about us. He made me happy and there is nothing more I could ask for from Cedric, to me he was amazing and that's all that mattered in my mind.


Months had gone by and spring was coming to an end, it was now the end of March and school would be ending in about three months. Cedric and I were doing great in my mind and we even started saying I love you to each other, and I did love him that's the truth.

Cedric would walk me to class, the library or wherever I was going, he would be there by my side. We went out on dates more frequently and I even got more comfortable having sex with Cedric which I can definitely say made him happier.

As the days went on I was walking to class one day by myself because Cedric wasn't there and I couldn't wait for him or I would be late for class. On my way Cho was determined to talk to me so eventually I had to stop to talk to her.

"Eden I just thought I should tell you something" Cho said while slowly grabbing the side of my arm.

"Okay what is it then?" I was already fed up with her and I just wanted to get to class

"Well I thought you should know that Cedric spent the holidays with me" her words sounded like they were coated with rigid ice.

"Your point being?" even though Cedric didn't tell me where he was going for winter break I trusted him and he would've told me if something happened.

"Isn't it obvious Eden? We fucked and he loved every second of it" her words lingered in the air for a moment and I didn't want to believe her

"Cho you aren't being funny and if this is some stupid plan of yours to break Cedric and I up then it's not going to work" my voice shook for a moment but I composed myself.

"Oh you don't believe me? We even hooked up before our winter break, why don't you ask him yourself?" Just as she finished saying this Cedric had come up to the both of us with his smile slowly fading.

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