1. SAM

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Sam shouldn't have set foot on the campus today but oops, he did and that would change his fate.

The soon to be 18-year old student didn't even believe in things like future predictions. He had always stayed away from horoscopes, predictions, fate, destiny and all that stuff.

Then why did he volunteer to be the first customer of Hannah, the psychic, in this year's booth fest of Francis High?

The answer was simple. Sam was a good guy, who couldn't say 'no'.

He couldn't see anyone in trouble and would help in any way possible. This would often lead him into unnecessary, unwanted drama which was one thing he truly detested.

Especially, in times like these because what else could his single self do when other students all hung out during the annual school fest in groups or worse, as couples?

He would have left a long time ago but Hannah had begged him to stay.

Who was Hannah? A friend? Nope, Sam didn't have friends. He preferred it that way.  Though there were few leeches who would only talk with him to copy his homework, he didn't mind giving them whatever they needed from him as long as they left him alone.

One can even say that loneliness was his friend.

"Hannah, can I leave now?" He asked, utterly bored of the continuous chanting of some spells by Hannah, who was a psychic for this year's booth fest.

The girl had left no effort in dressing up the quirkiest way possible with all light, flowing clothes, pearly accessories, with earthy makeup and a bandana covering her red hair. But to her worst luck, she was yet to receive a customer for future predictions.

Like every year, this year too Francis High had their annual school festival in which all the students from different clubs would put up a booth. All the money collected would go to charity and the booth that collects the most money would receive a trophy.

Sam wasn't in any club as he had volunteered to assist the librarian in his free time. Hannah, his classmate with whom we hardly ever talk to, had decided to open a psychic chamber for this year's booth fest. Needless to say, the idea was grossly flopping.

Sam, being the nice guy that he was, had decided to volunteer himself upon seeing Hannah's tear-filled eyes when other students paid her no heed and went by to the pastry booth or kissing booth.

"Please help me," she had backed him, on her knees, "Be my first customer of the day." The rookie psychic begged. Her other two assistants in similar getups also kneeled before him. They were from his junior batch, a boy and a girl.

Sam thought they looked like twins.

"Please save our booth! You are the only one who can do it. You are our last hope," they said in unison, which was quite creepy, to be honest.

"Um… okay," Sam replied hesitantly. Though he was unsure of what activities the psychic club would be doing, he decided to help them.




To be continued.........

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