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Natalie looked desperate now. She fidgeted, hopping from one foot to another, "You see, we are out of flour and the guy whom we sent out to get it isn't here yet. So can we ..." She trailed as her eyes never left the white bag in Sam's hand.

Sam brought the bag up and all the cooking club members followed its trail. Then he moved the bag sideways like a bell and several pairs of eyes stalked it. Up, down, left, right. Wherever the floor bag went, several heads bobbed comically following it, making Sam snort.

The cooking club was one hell of a funny group.

He held the bag out, "Here you go."

Relief flooded over Natalie and her team. "Thank you!" They said in unison. Natalie snatched the bag and gave it to a member, who ran to what looked like a mini kitchen.

"You are a lifesaver!" Natalie asserted, holding his hands again and shaking them furiously. "The cooking club is forever indebted to you. Ah, what's your name?"

"It's Samuel Harrison."

"Sweet! Can I call you Sam? I'll call you Sam." She decided before Sam could open her mouth. "I am Natalie by the way, president of the cooking club."

"So how much was this for, Sam?" Natalie asked about the price of the floor bag as her team dissipated to do other tasks. She had her money pouch out which had cute little cake prints on it.

"I don't know." Sam scratched his head. "And I don't really want money from you guys," he said, honestly. His pocket money was enough to sustain him till the next one arrived. Moreover, as per Hannah, the exchanges would work best if they were not in the form of currency.

"No problem," Natalie clapped her hands, "As a thank you gift, I have a special treat for you." She smiled and held up her index finger, telling Sam to wait for a minute while she hopped to where the remaining sweets were kept. Fumbling behind the counter for a minute, she came back with a cute, small takeout bag and a huge toothy smile on her face.

"Tada! Here's our star of the day. People found tooth and nail for it today but one gentleman bought all of them. Here's the last one remaining!" She said, offering him the bag which had their masterpiece.

Sam took it and opened the bakery box. His eyes twinkled in delight at the sight of what was inside.

A chocolate glazed doughnut sprinkled with tooty fruity and mini stars!

Donuts and ice-creams were his all-time favourites. He could kill for them! Not really, but you get the idea.

However, the sight of the doughnut fished out a memory he had cherished.

That one day when their cafeteria was selling these doughnuts, all the students and even teachers wrested their way to the lunch lady and unfortunately, Sam was pushed out of the line by the crowd of bigger, stronger bodies.

When he winced, closing his eyes as his butt hit the floor, a concerned voice made him look up. Noah was standing with his hand outstretched to offer help.

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