20. NOAH

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Sam froze when he heard a deep, shaky voice that always managed to twist his stomach in knots. He wiped away any remnant tears from his face before turning back to the owner of the voice.

"Yes?" He managed after a small cough in an attempt to hide the tremble in his voice.

"I saw you with the dollar bill in your hand," Noah said, a bit hesitant.

"No, it's not what you are thinking." Sam was quick to reject. It was probably the first time he said no clearly to someone, that too when it was true, however, he didn't have to embarrass himself anymore that this, didn't have to keep giving himself false hope. "It was for the cooking club." He lied. 

"Oh." A look mixed with surprise and hurt crossed Noah's face. Sam almost thought he imagined it. Well, why would he be hurt? It was not like he was expecting it, right?


Sam unknowingly stared at him as if that would give him the answers his mouth refused to speak.

Noah became flustered by the undivided attention and heat of the intense stare. "Um… Well, I-... I thought… maybe… Nevermind, it's nothing." He stepped back and turned around. "I should get going."

He was about to leave when Sam's body moved on its own and before he could stop himself he was clutching the back of Noah's shirt.


The boy slowly turned around at the stoppage. Sam couldn't meet his eyes and kept looking at his feet. "You were right," he said in a whisper. "That one dollar was for your booth." This time he managed to garner enough courage to look Noah right in his eyes, "Particularly for you."

And before he could stop himself, tears fell at his feet and he began crying hysterically. "I am sorry. It must be disgusting, right? A guy liking you. But trust me, I tried to stay away, I tried to forget you but I can't."

He hiccuped, "I can't because I like you too much for that."

He wanted to at least leave a proper confession where he was not sounding like a whining baby. He wished to stop crying but the tears won't stop. He dabbed the sleeves of his large hoodie to his eyes but the tears insisted on letting out.

Sam was too scared to receive any reaction from Noah, either hesitance or even worse repulsion, disgust in those cerulean blue eyes of his. He certainly wouldn't be able to take it.

Right when he was debating whether to flee or say sike, he felt the air around him shift and the next moment a soft pair of lips were on his own.

Sam had to blink. Noah fucking Smith was fucking kissing him! The realisation struck him as the pair of lips moved over his own and he closed his eyes to kiss him back, hands finding their way to either side of his face. Noah had wrapped his arms around his lower back.

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