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Hannah pushed the bottle ahead to the centre of the small, round table. "Pass this on and Fate shall begin the game. It will happen without you doing anything. But always remember to take something in exchange."

Sam sighed hopelessly, "Okay but what's actually in that bottle if not blood from your sacrifices.

"It's squid ink," Hannah deadpanned, "And I am a psychic, not a witch. We don't make sacrifices."

Sam chuckled. So much for a magical potion.

His hand reached to take the bottle but was swatted away by Hannah. "Didn't you hear what I said? Exchange! You need to give me something to have this magical potion."

Sam rolled his eyes. He was so done with this. He just wanted to get it over with and go back home and watch anime or sleep peacefully. Public events were not really his type of thing. That's why he didn't even bother to dress up well. A grey hoodie and black sweatpants and white sneakers were good to go when you were Samuel Harrison.

And what fate was Hannah talking about? Was he supposed to meet 'that' guy? That was impossible. Nope, not happening. He was just getting scammed, that's what was happening right now. He really shouldn't have come today.

Sam would never have come in the first place but his parents had softly forced him to because during events like these, maybe, just maybe, their laidback son can find himself a boyfriend.

Yes, Sam was gay and the only problem his parents had with that was that he didn't have a boyfriend! According to them, seventeen-years-old and the relationship status of a single was a curse that needed to be broken. His mom-dad had found each other fatefully at the age of seventeen and had been in love ever since.

"Are you even trying to find a guy?" His mother had asked skeptically. His father nodded in the background, sipping some tea.

"Mom, Dad, I am single by choice," he had said upon confrontation. "Relationships are too much of a hassle."

His parents had given him deadpanned looks because they knew that as much of a laid-back guy their son was, he was equally a coward who couldn't get up the courage to confess to that cutie in his class, who had also been his crush since middle school.

Like Hannah and other girls and a few guys, Noah Smith, the college heartthrob, had a lot of fans.

One gorgeous smile from Noah and Sam was head over heels for him. He had fallen for the boy just like everybody else.
However, over the period of time, he came to know that he could never have that adorably handsome guy. His crush was bound to be a secret one, his love unrequited. Because straight boys would always leave you heartbroken, was what he was told. A few of his online friends had experienced the fate and warned him beforehand.

But oh, the heart would not listen and Sam's idiot heart decided to fall in love with such a boy.

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