♡ Bath ♡

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Takes place after the Tartarus Arc. Enjoy :)


Sunlight poured into the small bathroom as steam fogged up the glass. A certain blonde mage was currently soaking in her bath, making use of what Mira had lent her a year ago.

“So, I heard you’re planning on taking on a job of an editor?” Mira asked while polishing glasses for the first and last time since the Tartarus incident. It would be a few minutes before everyone would the last of Fairy Tai, and they were hosting a small farewell party.

“Yeah,” Lucy sighed. She still couldn’t stand the fact that everyone, her comrades, her guildmates, her real nakama would all be leaving for their own journeys. Everyone… Natsu… Happy…

“Being an editor can be kind of stressful, you know?” Mira chuckled sadly, trying to lighten the atmosphere, but to no avail. Instead, she reached into her duffel bag and pulled out a bottle of bubble bath.

“Here,” she said, handing it to Lucy. “This is a relaxing bath for days when you just need to soak in a bubble bath.”

Lucy gingerly opened the bottle and took a whiff. It smelt of exotic fruits and honey.

“Thank you, Mira,” she replied, and for the first time in ages, smiled a real smile.

Sliding deeper into the bath, the sweet aroma of the bubble bath still remained, the scent wafting up to her, making her drowsy. Smoothing out her luscious blonde locks, Lucy applied a shampoo smelling of strawberries and vanilla and scrubbed her hair. The sky blue curtain was pulled from sight, and the sun cast her shadow onto it.

Simply smiling, she scrubbed every inch of her body lovingly, massaging her chest, abdomen and legs with bubbles. She even giggled slightly when one of the bubbles floated into the air and popped on her nose.

She dived into the pink water and resurfaced, a content smile on her face. What she didn’t know was that she’d left her bathroom door open, and a few stray bubbles floated out into her room.

Natsu’s eyes bulged as he ran his fingers through his still thick and long rose hair. The celestial wizard was practically doing a striptease dance for him behind that curtain, doing all those actions just to turn him on. Inside, Happy playfully popped the bubbles, but when he saw Natsu staring into the bathroom, he stifled a giggle. Oh, how glad he was to know that he was the one to open that door. Natsu should really thank him for that.

Smiling, Lucy drew open the curtain, only to be met by a Natsu massaging his already-hard boner.



How did you like that, minna? Chapter 419 killed me. :<

Give it a vote if you liked it! By the way, this is dedicated to @FlamesxKeys for being such a sweet person! Check out her works, ne c: they're absolute gold c:

Until the next one-shot (which I think is in 2 minutes' time), ja ne~!


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