♡ Promise ♡

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This actually took a lot out of me, and I still haven't practiced... I should probably go now. By the way there is a part two to this, with a song, ahah. So for now, just sit back and enjoy. :)


The shadows hid everything that was once in sight: the once bright green leaves now a cloudy gray, the serene little cottage sitting in the middle of the forest only illuminated by moonlight. Outside the cottage, were two teens; both were male. One poked at the fire while the other roasted some fish they'd caught minutes ago. At his feet lay a blue cat, munching happily on the succulent raw flesh.

Natsu focused more on the fire than he did on the fish. That one year of hardcore training had paid off: no more motion sickness, he was back stronger than ever, able to protect his friends... but there was a hole in his heart that he could not heal.

He never knew his age, but he was guessing he was about the same with the raven-haired demon slayer sitting across from him, watching Happy lick the bones clean. He shifted on his log to make himself comfortable, his eyes averting from the crackling fire he had started to the bandage on his arm. He closed his eyes for a moment and thought.

He'd loved Lucy ever since they met, and he'd been stupid to realize it only when he was away from her. During that year of training, the master had asked him a question before he left for Fiore:

"Who do you love, Natsu Dragneel?"

He'd thought hard. It was true; the master didn't expect anything less from him. So he thought—he loved everyone, really, all his guild mates and such... but there was one thing on his mind that bugged at him every time he threw a punch or a kick that sent his training opponent flying through the air... it was as if it was nagging him... to show her what he could do now... for her to see it with her own pretty brown eyes. The sign was a red ribbon, always up in the air, waving lazily at him. He didn't know why, but he wanted Lucy there, all the time.

At first, horror struck him; he did not know how to react—the shock was sudden. Then he calmed down and blinked, and opened his mouth, but before anything could be said, the master cut across him. "There is no need for an answer. Take care of you loved ones dearly, my son. You may go."

They had exchanged their final goodbyes and he had gone on his way. The master's words came back to him... he knew that even if he was young, he was wise beyond his years; he must have had some experience about it himself. He knew that only an idiot wouldn't take the master's advice, so he made a promise—to bring back Fairy Tail, so that he could love them all over again.

He'd made his way first to Hargeon, the fateful place which brought back memories, where he'd met Lucy Heartfilia, his partner and friend. But he realized he didn't just want her as a friend—he wanted more, but he couldn't have it. He did not even know if the blonde had feelings for him as well, and he couldn't risk ruining their friendship like that.

Natsu felt like throwing his hands in the air in the frustration. Instead, it was Gray who did, as he yelled "Natsu! Watch the fish!" The fire dragon slayer snapped out of his thoughts, and, instinctively, blew a stream of fire on the fire, thinking that Gray was in danger. The flames soared upwards like a pillar, engulfing Gray; if not for his ice magic he'd be dead by then.

A few minutes later, two other members had joined the circle around the now-tamed campfire, one a fair-haired girl, and another a dark-blue haired girl. Natsu slurped his ramen noisily as Lucy hit him in the head with the back of her chopsticks. "You can't even make a decent meal..." she muttered as Gray and Juvia sat opposite them on their log, with Juvia not-surprisingly close to her Gray-sama. "Juvia knows it is not Gray-sama's fault, since all he did was call out to Natsu-san," she retorted, wrapping her arms around his, while Gray shrugged them off like they were a disease.

"I'll finish eating this first, okay?" He said quietly, digging and plopping a piece of meat into his open mouth. For the first time, Natsu smiled a genuine smile; if the old Gray was still in there he would've said, "I'm trying to eat my food in peace, geroff," but he had changed, he had opened up to each and every one of them. He might still have troubles in his broken heart, but Natsu knew that there was Juvia by his side to mend it with her loving hands.

He turned to the celestial mage beside him. She, like him, had grown stronger over the year... she had even achieved a new form of magic. With her looks, abilities and knowledge, she could've easily gained a man. Then... why has she not, like he'd seen when he came back, got herself someone who could care for her properly, a boyfriend?

Maybe... she has someone else in her heart, he thought, as he gazed at her beauty, which had intensified ever since she had sat near the fire; the firelight made her hair look pure golden, and when she looked up he wanted to ask her if her dad was God, because he'd taken all the stars in the sky and put them in her eyes. Or maybe she wants to stay an independent woman? That suited her, he thought, as he continued staring at her.

This, however, had not gone unnoticed. Gray saw the look in his friend's eyes when he looked at their celestial teammate, how funny it was to see that it matched the way Juvia's looked when she looked at him. A small smile formed on his face, until he felt Juvia lean against his chest. And he didn't know what willed him to do it—he'd looked down and smelled her hair, fresh and clean, and then buried his face in her hair. He heard a small gasp emit from the water mage, then felt her relax into his embrace.

"Come on," he whispered gently in her ear. "We should leave these two alone."


Hai, that's about it for part one, heheh :) Until the next part, which I will probably write tomorrow, ja ne!~

-Kaya-chan xx

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