♥ Waiting For Superman ♡

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I was just thinking of the latest chapters (containing NaLu, of course) and I thought that this song suited it perfectly, so I wanted to write a little thing about it. It may sound like an AU but it isn't, but anyway, enjoy, fairies! :)

"Your stop, miss."

"Arigato gozaimasu." The blonde paid the meter before stepping out of the yellow-and-black cab. She snapped open the trunk and lifted her suitcase onto the sidewalk. She straightened out her red ribbon and brushed her skirt and watched as he pulled away. She turned her head towards the airport, with its big white structure. She gave a last glance to the streetlight shining above her, and made her way.

It had been a long time since the dissolution of Fairy Tail, and now Lucy Heartfilia was like a new person. She had a new job, editor and face of Sorcerer Weekly. Her golden hair was now longer and tied up in her usual ribbon, and she wore a sky-blue denim vest over a multi-colored tube top and denim shorts. Her black boots stabbed the pavement as the glass doors slid open for her entry. Her hot pink luggage bag rolled along behind her.

Lucy's eyes didn't sparkle as they usually did a few years ago. She didn't want to leave Fiore-- but it was her duty. They had put her on the other side of the planet to interview celebrities-- but this wasn't her passion. She wanted to stay home, write stories about her endless adventures with the rest of her guild.

Thinking about the word 'adventure' made tears spring to her eyes. She remembered the golden grasslands, and how he had held her hand and told her something she'd never imagined.

"Let's continue on our adventure, okay?"

He's right, she thought bitterly as she stalked towards an empty bench, trying to avoid attention. The adventure never ends. But then... where were they? He and Happy had been gone for what seemed like decades. She hoped for an answer, a sign to her prayer, hoping that they were safe.

Deep down, she knew that they'd come back. They would come back... one day. Maybe just tomorrow, or next July. It was totally unpredictable. Perhaps something was stalling them... training, maybe? But they had gone off for training. A girl? He wasn't the type to stop for girls, though.

Then what could possibly slow them...him... down? She didn't even know why she was thinking about them. It was like an obsession-- she couldn't stop worrying over them, no matter rain or shine. She pulled out her pink phone and unlocked it. She had gotten it for business purposes-- she only wished she'd gotten it earlier so that they could keep in touch. Her wallpaper was the three of them, the main members of their team. It brought a lump to her throat.

He was the one who showed her hope. He was the one who fought for her, remembered her, protected her, cared for her. He was the light of her life, and the treasure of her heart.

If life was a movie, it wouldn't end like this... left without a kiss.

She thinks she loves him.

"Flight D20 leaving for departure," the PA blared. "Passengers, please go to platform 8." The once Fairy Tail mage stood up, trying not to cry. She looked up to the transparent dome that covered the airport, and made out all the constellations her eyes could see.

She's waiting for Superman, to lift her up

And take her anywhere

Show her love

Flying through the air

Save her now

Before it's too late tonight

Oh, at the speed of light

She smiled one last time before taking her last steps.

And she smiles...


She spun around at her name, and caught sight of a blob of pink in the crowd. Everything clicked, the nickname, the voice, the hair... The duffel bag she was carrying dropped to the floor with a clunk as she ran through the crowd, not caring about the camera flashes and murmurs. The pink blob was also running towards her, along with a blue blob hovering in the air. She shoved around and pushed, stumbling slightly. At last her savior came into sight with a goofy grin, and before she knew it, she'd leaped into his muscled arms and let the tears flow. He wrapped his arms around her, his calloused hand stroking her head as her chest heaved with sobs.

"Now, now, Lu-shii, you shouldn't cry like that," said the blue blob, now revealed to be a blue Exceed, "you look like a ghost now, with that eyeliner!"

"Thanks," she said, breaking away from the man in front of her and nearly wiped her eyes on her arm, when he reached out and placed a hand on her cheek.

"You'll ruin your arms too," he grinned as he wiped her tears away with his thumb clumsily. "You look weird, Luigi. As in good-looking weird."

For the first time, Lucy smiled a wide genuine smile. She buried her face in his chest, and murmured, "You're here. That's all that matters."

"You really did miss me, didn't ya?" He nuzzled his face in her hair. "Well, you're coming with us. No more flying."

She looked at him with adoring brown eyes. "Really?"

"Yes, really." He laughed deeply. "Flying's boring."

"Hey!" said Happy indignantly. "If you think that way, I'll stop carrying you around!"

"Only with you it isn't," said the male as he pulled them all into a bear hug. He was wrapped in a black cloak similar to Gildarts', and his tufts were more profound than ever. Lucy ran her slender fingers through them, even if they were greasy and sticky.

"I won't leave this time, I promise," he said as he rested his hand on her head. "I'll never leave you again, Luce."

"Hai." Happy tears sprung to her eyes. "Thank you, Natsu."


I forgot my various experiences in the airport, gomen. Hope you enjoyed that!

- Kaya.

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