♥ Breaking Tradition ♡

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Obviously, someone as dense as my certain pink-haired boyfriend wouldn't know how to propose.

We've been dating for seven years now, and I was hoping he'd "pop the question" by now. But, honestly, things haven't been progressing much. Natsu just continues about his daily routine with a smile: kissing me, bar fights, more kissing, and finally, taking my bed for a hostage.

So I decided to do it myself.

Honestly, I didn't understand why I'd like to marry someone over 80 years old -- well, not technically. He couldn't get through that wall at the guild the other day that prevents people over 80 get out. Also because of his dragon heritage, I guess. But, honestly, I didn't understand why I wanted to marry someone over 80 years old but still look intoxicatingly youthful, or someone as dense, insensitive, and reckless as that idiot. My idiot.

But I guess there's the good side of it. Natsu's always so possesive of me -- often mistaken as protective, as he calls it. I'm what he calls his "precious little star". Once I'd asked him why I was a star and not a shooting star, and he replied, "That's because I wouldn't want you shooting across the world away from me."

First of all was the ring, which was the easiest, because I knew Natsu wouldn't mind what kind of ring it was. I finally settled on a simple silver ring, which nearly took all of my money I was saving for two months' rent. But I didn't mind; it was for the one I loved. All I hoped was that it would be able to fit that finger of his.

Next was the proposing. It took me three weeks just plucking up my courage and trying to get him alone with me, which happened pretty often but the memory of what happened then would always leave me gasping. Oh well. Yes, I am a chicken and I know it. Cut the teasing.

Whenever I was alone I'd pick up my teddy bear and set it on the chair in front of me and practise. It seemed pretty silly, though; I should just man up and do it.

Thoughts had been coming to me, too. Sometimes Natsu wasn't always that dense, he did have some common sense. Ooh, that rhymes. Anyway, if he'd thought about it, wouldn't he be getting on with proposing already? But my heart told me what I believed: no matter how dense and slow that dragonslayer might be, I would never, ever doubt his love for me.

Finally, we were alone together in my apartment. Just a while ago, I'd been sitting on his lap, letting him stroke my hair lovingly. That was until I got up and motioned for him to do the same.

Once he did, I got down on one knee, just like how I'd rehearsed with Teddy. I looked deep into his eyes; there was a flicker of surprise and... amusement? Doubt clouded my eyes for a moment, but I remained, determined, and started my speech.

"Natsu Dragneel, I'm--"

"Yo, chill out, Luce. Take a deep breath, okay?" He chuckled. I frowned. This was not going well.

"Natsu Dragneel, from the first time I set eyes on you, I loved you. And I still do. Yes, I'm not special; honestly, I consider myself pretty plain. But you were the one to show me that I'm special. You were the one who brought me home to Fairy Tail. You were the one to show me hope in the faintest of places: in the town square. I love you so much to the point that--" I took a sharp intake of breath at this.

"-- what I'm trying to say is, Natsu Dragneel, will you marry me?"

After all that said, Natsu looked at me for a while. Then he threw back his head and laughed.

Yes, he laughed. The cheek of it! For a second I'd thought that all my work'd been for nothing. But suddenly, he looked deep into my eyes.

"Lucy, this is just so sudden. I mean--"

"It's alright," I said, getting up and snapped the ring box shut. Of course I should've known that my stupid, insensitive idiot of a boyfriend would -- Natsu held my hand back and got down on one knee.

My eyes widened as he presented a gold ring, pretty similar to the one I'd got for him. His laughing eyes settled down on mine and I stared back.

"Lucy Heartfilia, you have no idea how much trouble I'd gone through for this to be perfect. My precious little star, who'd knew you'd be faster than me?" He massaged my knuckles lovingly. "I just want to say, your smile could brighten the darkest night. Your eyes could pierce the thickest veil. Well, I'm not saying I couldn't either -- I'm hoping to sneak a peek at your face during the wedding --" he earned a giggle at this "-- but then again I just want to say how beautiful you are. To me, you're the most beautiful woman in the world, even in a worn shirt and ripped jeans --" I laughed as he motioned towards my attire "-- and you know what, Luce? Nothing in this world could ever take away my love for you. Even if you run away from me, never to come back -- although I know you wouldn't -- I would search the world's end and bring you safely back home. Having said all this, Lucy Heartfilia, I hope my answer will be positive. Lucy Heartfilia, the light of my life and the treasure of my soul, will you marry me?"

Tears streamed down my face as I nodded vigorously. "Yes, Natsu," I shrieked, throwing my arms around him. "Yes, yes, yes!" He slid the beautiful ring onto the finger I'd been saving just for him. "Honestly, I don't understand how you'd been faster than me," he chuckled as he embraced me warmly, kissing the top of my head. "But then again, we wouldn't want that beautiful ring to go to waste. Lucy Heartfilia, would you do me the honours?"

Shakily I pulled the ring box out of my pocket and slipped the ring onto his finger. It was a perfect fit; a beautiful ring for a beautiful man.

"So, Mrs. Dragneel, ready to set our wedding date?" He smiled down at me with that irresistable smile of his. I grinned back stupidly, and nodded.

So Kaya-chan's back with a NaLu one-shot! Seriously, NaLu just revolves around me. Like a planet on the orbit.

Hope you like it! If you did, don't mind clicking the little star button in the corner of the page, will you? :3

Dedicated to FlamesxKeys for being awesome! She's the best writer I know, and if you love NaLu as much as I do (and I assure you, I love NaLu A LOT), check out her works! You're bound to love them! :D

Kaya out. Love you all! ♥

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