♥ Halfway ♡

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Fer yer info, did not watch Camp Rock 2. But loved this song all the same, since it was recommended by my fellow singing and writing buddy, Trinity247! ^^ Anyway, enjoy~


"Lu-shi!" The all-too-familiar sound of the blue cat belonging to a certain Dragon Slayer made Lucy Heartfilia cringe. So far her day was the pits: she had forgotten to take in the laundry and yesterday's rain had ruined it (she didn't know if it was anything to do with the rain woman of Fairy Tail, but if it did, she was so going to get it), Aquarius smacked her in the face with her tail during the previous mission when they had a little  quarrel (well, Lucy told her to cut off some time with Scorpio, her boyfriend, so it was rather understandable) and when she got home she saw that her bed was stained. Again.

And now she was faced with the most horrible of all known diseases in the universe-writer's block. Diagnosis: it eats away at the once completely-formulated story ideas and your brain starts to rot. Lucy was just about to bang her head on the table when she head Happy's annoying voice.

(Okay, maybe Happy's voice wasn't exactly annoying as she thought that moment, but she was just so angry with life that she could not help but think that.)

Like a ferocious beast she snapped her head toward the pinkette and blue Exceed clambering in through the window, snarling viciously. Happy immediately retreated behind Natsu's broad build, squealing. "Nat-zu, Lu-shi's scary!"

Natsu, however, took the situation lightly, which he had yet to learn that that was a very, very wrong move. "Calm down, Happy, nothing's wrong with barging into your partner's home, isn't it?"

Lucy's voice suddenly turned into this deep, dark, sinister voice you'd probably hear from a cliché movie villain. "What are you two doing here?"

Natsu's onyx eyes widened slightly, but he didn't flinch. "Oh, me and Happy just thought you wanted to hang out or something, so we thoug-?"

"Get out!" The blonde had sent a pencil hurling right at them. Natsu caught it and set it on fire.

"Idiot, that was my only pencil!" she screeched, looking as if she was on the verge of insanity. It was easy to tell that both the Dragon Slayer and his Exceed were surprised, but they were determined to not give up yet.

"Lucy," Natsu began. "I know you're having quite a bit of a rough day, so I thought we could go for a picnic or something-"

"I-DON'T-CARE!" shouted the exasperated Lucy, clutching at her hair. She stalked right over to the window and pushed it upwards so forcefully that it nearly broke with impact. Then she went over to the front door and slammed it open as well.

"Get-OUT!" she yelled. Natsu and Happy both exchanged worried looks-Lucy had never thrown this kind of a tantrum before. "You got two ways to go-no excuses!" There was a crazed look in her eye that Natsu couldn't quite decipher. "GET OUT!"

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