♥ Fate (Part 2) ♥

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Here's part two! ^^

A/N: 'Nikuman' is a type of pork bun they sell in Japan. It consists of steamed buns with meat filling.

On with the story! ~


The blonde panted slightly at the long line in front of the place she was sure sold original nikuman. She cringed as the people behind her squeezed her into the line that she squealed. As the minutes dripped by in sweat drops, Lucy held his phone close to her.

I wonder what he's like ... to have identical phone straps and ringtones...

She moved along with the line.

That voice tells me...

... we're about the same age.

She blushed at the thought.

Our first date at a nikuman shop, huh. "You'd like a pack of ten, miss?" She nodded absent-mindedly at the friendly waitress.

Maybe it should've been a little more romantic, she thought as the waitress handed her the familiar package of Ton Ton Tei, or so the shop was called.

Silly me, my goal is to get my phone back! She shook her head as she walked off with the steaming nikuman pressed against her chest.

Minutes flowed by... and the minutes turned into hours. Lucy felt her legs give way under her for standing so long.

Why did I have to wait this long— almost three hours— for a stranger? I've never waited this long myself . I mean... where's the owner of this phone?!

She dialed her number. "Hey, what's going on?" She barked.

"I've waited two hours, but you never showed up."


"But I was in line as well." She retorted.

"Wait, did you go to Ton Ton Tei, by any chance?" He sounded a little worried, and his voice had a tone... of amusement? 

"Yes." Why?

"That's the home of the, not the original  nikuman."

Lucy stood in silent shock. I... got it WRONG!

"I'm sorry!" she apologized, flustered, eyeing the little brown package in her hand. "It's okay, it's an acceptable mistake." He waved it off. He's not angry...?

"I like their nikuman, too. Let's make a trade later." His voice had a ring to it. Lucy felt all the more guilty. He isn't upset.

"Okay." For some reason, she smiled— for the first time that day.

"Never mind that. We've got a problem." He said seriously.

"What is it?" Her chocolate irises widened.

"I'm starving!"


"Do you mind if I eat one?" His tone of voice was smooth now, not like before— deep and husky. It had turned a notch higher— probably because he was hungry.

"Not at all," Lucy smiled, her fingers brushing through her golden tresses. "I'm hungry too, hope you won't mind." She spied a wooden fence. "Let's have a break."

... so much fun!

"Hmm... this is good!" She could hear chomping sounds over the cell, and his excited voice. She chuckled.

"This is too." She nibbled on her own.

"What goes well with this..." Lucy sipped on her drink she bought from a vendor nearby as she listened.

"... a soy milk green tea jelly drink."

He must've heard her spit out her mouthful because he said, "That's gross."

"But that's what I'm drinking right now!" She cried indignantly. "Seriously? Usually you'd buy tea."

She smiled again. "Same goes for you."

How weird...

I'm taking a break with a stranger... but...

...right now... we really...

"I don't know your name and face." His voice snapped her out of her thoughts. "It's a wonder how we hit it off so well."

"Yes," Lucy agreed, brushing the crumbs off her skirt. "I know."

There was a comfortable silence when he surprised her.

"...Which one are you?"

Her features widened, her body tingled. "W-What?"

"In your cellphone wallpaper. You must be one of these girls."

"Oops, sorry. That was out of line." Lucy still hadn't spoken. "W-What was t-that?" she finally whispered.

"I think I'm going crazy." She could half-imagine him scratching his head from where he was.

"I'm dying to see you."

She processed this thought for a while. Then, slowly, she closed her eyes.


"I want to see you."

She was startled by his shout. "Whoa!" 

"What now?" She could feel his fluster. She clutched the phone tighter.

"Your phone! It's running out of battery!"

Frantically Lucy removed his from her ear and checked it. "Ah, yours is too!" Right, I didn't really charge it. 

"Anyway, give me a landmark. There's nothing recognizable by me."

"I don't know!" Her eyes darted around hurriedly. In front of the wooden fence she was sitting on, there was a wall. And on that wall was...

"A..." She gulped. "A doodle of a cat!"


Silence ensued.

She let go of her drink. It rolled on the ground in defeat.

Lucy picked herself up. Grabbing the brown package, she steeped toward the wall. The doodle wasn't even a cat. It looked more like a dog, a giraffe and a rabbit all merged into one. For the first time that day, she felt utter disappointment.

"What am I saying?" she muttered to herself. "How could this..."

"... be a landmark?"


Continuing in part 3! :)


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