♥ Superhero ♥

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Hayy there minna! This was a small something that I wrote the other day in class, cuz I was just too bored with my teachers. Enjoy!

P.S. Batman rocks.


“Jellal?” Erza gasped as he strode right through the huge wooden doors of the guild.

“Hi Erza.” Even if Jellal was nervous, he wouldn’t show it. “Meredy and I are on a job, so we thought we’d stop by a few days to visit you guys.”

Erza immediately turned bright red. Fortunately, Mira sidled up to her. “Welcome back, Jellal and Meredy,” she beamed. “Meredy, you look hungry. I’ll go whip up something for you.” Unfortunately, she shot a smirk at Erza, saying, “Ever since the Eclipse project, the guild has been rebuilt and refurnished. Erza will show you around, Jellal.”

Meredy followed Mira while Jellal tugged on a furious, flushed Erza’s sleeve. As she tucked into Mira’s perfectly prepared breakfast, Meredy felt the presence of Fairy Tail’s celestial mage beside her. “Hello Meredy!” Lucy smiled warmly. “What brings you here?”

Meredy found herself opening up more and more to Lucy. She found the blonde very interesting and they ended up talking for hours.

At dusk, as a comfortable silence rose between them, Meredy asked, “Hey Lucy, who’s your favorite superhero?”

“Superhero?”  The blonde’s eyes flickered, and she tapped her chin for a while, humming. “I don’t really know. Why don’t I let you know tomorrow? It’s getting late; you need some rest.”

“That’s alright then.” Meredy smiled. “See you tomorrow, Lucy-chan! It was nice talking to you.”

That night, Lucy sat at her table, tapping her chin with a pen, a blank sheet of paper before her. “Which superhero do I like most?” she thought aloud.

She flicked her pen down on the paper, writing with swift movements.

                      Batman. Because he’s awesome.

She cocked her head to one side, smiled and turned to the clean side of the paper. She looked up for a moment before scribbling some sentences.

Actually, my favorite superhero’s just like any other superhero. He’s got those amazing powers, those chiseled looks. He’s always been there for me, protects me and fights for justice. But there’s just one little detail that distinguishes him from other superheroes. He doesn’t wear a cape. But he does wear a scarf.

“There,” she smiled, satisfied. Then she crumpled the paper and threw it in the fireplace, where the fire crackled as it swallowed the paper into its fiery core. “That way he’ll never know.”


There ya go! Bet some of you knew Batman was gonna show up c: 

Pretty busy on making another one-shot, so until next time, ja ne! 


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