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Another person in the list that just keeps going.

I looked around the building that stood in front of me in disgust. It was an old, run down store, it had green mold forming around the sides of the building and and the once lit up sign that signified the name of the store was dull and rust seemed to take over it.

The wind was blowing through my short brown hair as i clenched and unclenched my fists, a shiver went through my spine as i watched numerous people go in and out of the store.

someone's going to die today.


I had my sunglasses on as I dragged my cart over the stained floors.

It was the same routine day after day.

July 2017 was when I decided to take a break from acting, Ever since then I had been living in a town in New Orleans because i needed a break from all the cameras and people.

Today at exactly 2:20pm I went to the grocery store.

I always went to the exact store at 2:20 every week day.

With children still in school and adults still at work it was the perfect time.

The store was filled with either unemployed people, housewives or Grandparents.

Everyone of them where in their own little worlds, too concerned if anyone noticed them sneaking an extra chocolate bar, wondering where they were going to find the items on their shopping list, looking through all the items on the shelf to pass time in their boring little life's. I was always unnoticed.

It had been going on a perfect loop for 3 months now.

That's until today.

I was at the frozen section of the store looking at all the chicken wings you could get, I had just walked past and isle where a middle aged man snuck a packet of gum in his pocket, it never made sense when I saw people steal such little things, the man looked about 35 but his hair was prematurely greying, he seemed like any average person going to the store for some groceries yet i caught him red handed stealing, his forehead was covered in beads of sweat and he made eye contact with me for a second before turning and walking the opposite direction.

I went through the other sections in the grocery store and saw another man stealing, we made brief eye contact for a second, he looked guilty, his hair was balding and he wore oversized clothes, it looked like he was silently pleading me to not say anything. I saw all these actions everyday and I always ignored it, I walked past the man.

The store was relatively small in the size and the workers. There where no security cameras and the staff didn't seem to care about the stores neatness as long as they got paid.

A man that looked to be in his early twenties walked past me.

As he walked past, he shoved me and all the items I had were dropped to the floor.

The man turned around to show his electrifying blue eyes with a snarl on his face and he had the audacity to say, "Watch where you're going girl."

The man walked past me and bumped his shoulder with my own roughly.

Does he know what I'm capable of?

Emotions are overrated (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now