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Ever since I was young I always had this sudden urge to kill.

I loved the feeling of taking away someone's life. Once I get a hold of their neck I look at them dead in the eye with a smile, I can feel their heavy breaths and The fear in their eyes, the cold sweat starts running down their foreheads, their struggle to break free from my hold as I strangle the life out of them, once I start strangling them it's like a trance, it's something unstoppable it's like a math made by God himself. Once I start doing it it's almost impossible to stop until every breath is sucked right out of them, until I can see their dead eyes and lifeless body limp on the ground with their eyes wide upon and their body still, every last breathe sucked out of them.

That's when I'll be satisfied.

I've never wanted that feeling so bad as I sit her brushing my hair and thinking about the events of last night.

After I passed out I saw myself neatly tucked in my bed. When I got up I went downstairs and everything was in place, my dad was sitting on the chair with coffee in his right hand and a newspaper in the other, he greeted me with a smile like the things that happened last night was just my imagination having a fun game with me.

But no. I know it's not. I know what I saw.

I sat there still brushing my hair, thinking about everything.

The sound of my phone ringing snapped me back to reality and I checked to see who the caller was.

Unknown number.

I pressed the answer button and brought my phone up to my ear.

"Liked the little surprise last night?" The voice was deep and calm but there was something unreal about that voice so the caller was probably using some voice changing app.

"Look, I don't know what the fuck you want or why you're choosing me to be your little toy but I don't think you know who I am and what I'm capable of and I swear, I will find you, torture and then I will not hesitate to kill you." I said with a menacing tone in my voice.

The person let out a dark creepy chuckle.

"How can such pain exist without physical harm?" The person said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked with a confused expression.

"You'll find out soon." The person whispered then he/she cut off the phone.

What the actual hell.


I got my bag and I heard a honk coming from outside so I knew Jessica was here.

I got downstairs and I saw her sitting in her car texting on her phone with a smile on her face.

I got into the passenger seat and she sat there smiling still texting on her phone.

"Jessica." I said with a frown.

"Oh.. Hi Chloe, I didn't see you there." She said taking her eyes off of her phone before turning back to it and she started giggling.

"Jessica.." I said, getting angry.

"Huh?" She said not looking away from her phone

"Can I see your phone for a second?" I said with a smile.

"Sure." She said handing me her phone.

Once I got hold of the phone I opened her car door and through the phone out of it.

"My phone.." She said her eyes fixed on the smashed phone lying on the ground.

I scoffed. "It's a fucking flip phone anyway, nothing smile about it."

"Drive, now." I said giving her a flat look.

She looked at her phone 1 more time before staring the car and we where on our way to school.

"The creep broke into my house last night." I said breaking the 5 minute silence.

"Who Sean? Or the stalker." She said looking at me with sad eyes.

"Stalker." I answered.

"Woah.." She said, looking into the distance. "What happened?"

"I can't remember a lot but I know the door was open when I got home and music was playing, I saw a shadow so it was probably the stalker next thing I know i pass out and wake up to find myself in my bed."

"Wow.." Jessica said. "Thats quite scary."

"I guess." I said, before we fell into a comfortable silence again, both of us lost in our thoughts.

"So are you going to replace my phone or-" she drops once I give her a hard glare.

Soon we got to school and while we where packing up to go our separate ways I stopped her.

"Who where you talking to on your phone?" I asked.

"Oh.. you don't know him. He's just someone I met some week ago." She said, a smile back on her face.

"Huh, thats interesting maybe I'll meet him one day." I said. Well ain't that strange that someone took an interest in Jessica.

"Yeah, maybe." She said.

As I walked into school I saw Natalie standing near my locker.

Once she saw me, there was a glint of hatred in her eyes and her lips had a frown but she quickly changed it into a fake smile.

"Hi Chloe!" Natalie said in a perky voice. "Can we talk? Alone." She said turning to Jessica.

Jessica gave me a small smile and walked off.

"What do you want?" I asked Natalie, tapping my foot.

"You and Sean huh?" She said with a glare. "You know you're not good for him and he deserves someone better."

"Ha! Someone better? Do you mean you? Listen Natalie, Sean doesn't like you, he likes me. Get used to it because you're going to see a fucking lot of me."

"You curse too much!" Natalie muttered.

"Bitch you breathe too much, shut the fuck up." I said as I began walking to class.

"You'll see!" Natalie screamed. "Sean is going to break up with you and when he's all sad and lonely I'll step in and I'll be with him." She said, trying to catch up with me.

"Oh you're his rebound girl?" I asked.

"You.. Shut up! Why are you such a bitch!" She said.

"I wouldn't be such a bitch if you weren't so fucking annoying." I said.

I walked into my class and slammed the door before she could enter.

Well what a shitty way to start the day huh?
OMFG! I cannot say how sorry I am.

I legit haven't updated in like 3-4 months!

I've just been so busy with studying, exams, summer, dealing with friends and there had just been a lot going on so I didn't really pay attention to wattpad.

So I have changed cole's name to Mathew, so if you see a Mathew and you're like who the hell is that? Just know it's cole/Sean's bff

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