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Chloe's POV

I didn't get any sleep last night.

Daddy had left for work and thankfully he didn't see the crack on my car window.

As I was getting orange juice from the fridge something caught my attention.

On the news I saw the little girl being taking away by the ambulance.

"BREAKING NEWS! 7 year old Sarah Morgan is in critical condition, she was found half-dead and unconscious at 2:30am today, there was a witness who is here to explain what happened." A blonde news reporter said.

This better not be the girl from last night that I handled.

And if it was the girl, A witness? I thought holding the orange juice tighter. What the fuck? There can't be!

There was a picture of the victim on the screen.

Yep. That's my girl.

I walked closer to see who the witness was.

Standing there was Jessica, looking nervous she stared at the screen.

Jessica, better choose the right words to say or I swear she will be dead in a snap of a finger.

She looked at the screen before saying,
"I couldn't sleep at night so I got up from my bed and went to my desk. My desk was right in front of my window and I saw a girl on her balcony. I wasn't sure what she was doing, I just thought she needed some air or something next thing I know I saw her look down and then she was now at the edge of the balcony. I stood up from my desk to get a better look and with a blink of an eye she sat at the edge of the balcony."

She paused with tears in her eyes.

"I panicked I had no idea what she was doing and I froze but I was still there watching it as it happened, watching how she was thinking about if she wanted to jump but I didn't do anything I was too shocked to speak. When she was about to jump that's when I snapped back out of my trance and started running down my steps so I could stop her."

"But exactly when I opened my door.. It was too late. She had already fell her body was on the floor and she didn't look like she was breathing. I ran over to her and called the ambulance."

"But you know what hurts the most?" Jessica said, looking at the screen. "I could have stopped it!" Tears where streaming down her face and her mother was comforting her.

The news reporter said. "And that's it on this shocking story for now, back to you John."

I stood there speechless. Holy shit.

Did Jessica just lie for me? In front of live TV?

A smile broke out on my face she did.

I guess I can keep her for a little longer.

I got a text from Sean some moments later.

"Did you see the news?" He asked.

"Yeah you don't seem like someone that watches the news." I replied.

"You learn something everyday. Such a tragic way to die huh?" He said.

"Well, yeah I guess. There have been worse ways that people have kicked the bucket."
I said hoping that we would get over with this conversation soon.

"But can you just imagine that this wasn't suicide and someone out there, a dangerous human being, roaming around the street was the one that caused all of this?" Sean said.

"Well, it clearly says it was suicide so I really don't want to think about that." I said getting frustrated.

"Just saying.. So if it was a person.. Just imagine that it was a person what would you think about that?" He asked.

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