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Emma Roberts as Chloe.

Chloe's POV


Uncontrollable, teary eyed sobbing.

Daddy was on the floor, his heart had been ripped out of his ribcage when he saw what happened.

As his heart lay lifeless on the floor so did his body as he was lying down on the floor next to our burned down house.

He had been sobbing ever since he heard the news about step mother.

"Why does God hate us?" Daddy whispered.

His unattached heart seemed to be getting darker with each second.

I sat down next to him, resting my head on his chest. "God? There is no God daddy, people are worshipping someone they made out of our own imagination, worshipping an imaginary friend."

Daddy wrapped his arm around mine, "Every single thing I've ever loved just gets taken away from me, and you think twice was enough? Now there's one more innocent soul added."

"You still have me, aren't I good enough?" Of course I knew the answer, but I want to hear it from him.

"You are, you're better than just good enough. You're my only constant in a world of changes."

Daddy was like a rare creature.

You admire it because it's the last of its kind, you may even want to keep it because you can never see anything like it again. It may be ugly, dumb and useless, but once it's gone, it's gone.

Daddy was the only thing I had, mother left me when I was 10.

It was an unfortunate accident they said.

An unfortunate accident. Just that statement alone sounds like a load of bullshit.

Mother was the person that controlled me.

Mother and Daddy noticed ever since I was 4. They knew about me. They knew something was wrong.

Mother wanted me to go for therapy, since she faced the same condition she warned daddy about how things could go down hill, with her ridiculous drug addiction she faced right until she was pregnant with me.

Daddy didn't want any of that, claimed that everything was alright and I was fine.

With a lot of convincing mother finally won and took me to my very first therapy session when I was 5 years old.

After some weeks I was diagnosed with Physcopathy and Depression.

I was going for therapy almost twice a week with lengthy sessions some which lasted for 2 hours.

It was absolute shit.

But you know what was worse? Never really opening up, if I could change one thing, I would change how closed and uptight I was, I didn't want to tell them about what I was going through, decided to keep it all to myself so I wouldn't feel anything.

Emotions are overrated (EDITING)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें