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Chloe's POV

I woke up the next day and I saw Jessica lying down on my bed naked.

I checked the time and it was 6:30am

"Fuck." I whisper as a pain in my head strikes.

I walked to my bathroom and got some medicine from my cabinet and swallowed it down.

I decided since I was in the shower, I should just have a shower now.

As I was in the shower I thought about what happened last night.

What the actual hell is happening right now.

(Ok. The next part of this will be offending to a lot of people but this is what CHLOE feels not me. M'Kay bye)

I'm not a lesbian. Maybe I've never had a liking towards boys but I've never liked girls either. I've never liked anyone.

And even if I where to like a sex, I would choose being straight. I've never liked the whole gay thing anyway.

I may have my own messed up mental problems but being gay is another mental problem that I definitely don't want to fuck with.

Even the way society treats gays.

Society has made us all believe that a man is not made for a man rather a man is made for a woman.

And I 100% agree with that.

Being gay is disgusting.

All those insults a lot of boys had to deal with like the common thing 'Fag'

The way people are coming out lately just disgust me.

Their freaks.

They deserve to be in the circus.

Wake up one morning and gay marriage is now accepted in America, wake up the next morning find out a lot of people are opening up to being gay, the next year the whole world accepts gays.

They are even making songs for this shit now like the popular 'Take me to church'

All those so called supporters that say they support gays and in the night when their blinds are closed they shake their head in disgust.

The bitches that say "oh-em-gee! I've always wanted a gay best friend!" Then talk about them behind their backs.

People that say it doesn't concern them if people are gay and it's their own life but it's really eating them inside out.

The popular gays that say they are proud to be different but still cry every night.

It goes all the way from silent sobs to even talking about ending their life.

Most gays that say they are born this way. I feel like it's just an excuse. A way for them to make sure society likes them and treats them with respect, a way that they blame their creator for being gay, a way that makes sure they don't blame themselves for being gay.

The gays that say there's a special place in heaven for them.

A special place?

Aren't they the ones that said gay is normal and they're just like everyone else?

Then they talk about how different they are and how they have special places?

Like make up your damn mind.

Are you normal or not?

There are just darn right fake people in this world who put up a mask for society but when their in the comfort of their own homes they take it off and they show who they really are.

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