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Grant Gustin as Sean. I love The Flash!
Sean's POV

I stood frozen with a shocked expression on my face and watched as Chloe walked away to her next class.

I couldn't believe what she just said she probably didn't mean it when she said 'I'll kill you' but the way she said it with so much hatred and anger coming out it made my knees wobble a bit.

There was something about Chloe, something that made her different from other girls.. From other people.

She had that 'I don't give a fuck.' Attitude and she had a glint of something in her eyes I couldn't make out.

But she was definitely interesting and I wanted to find out more about her.

I didn't notice that I was standing there looking at the spot that Chloe walked away from for more than 4 minutes until someone called my name.

"Sean, what are you doing here? You're going to be late for class." I heard a familiar voice say.

I snapped out of my trance and say my best bud Mathew looking at me.

"Oh hey Matt." I said with an awkward grin.

"Are you okay Sean?" He asked, his eyebrow was raised and he was looking at him with a suspicious look.

"Oh I'm fine, just thinking about something." I said walking with Matt to our next class.

"Do I even want to know what you where thinking about?" Matt said.

I ignored Matt and continued to think about Chloe.

Damn that girl.


Throughout my classes all that was on my mind was Chloe.

I tried to make it stop but it wasn't working.
It was time for lunch so I walked out of class.

As I was walking I saw Chloe talking to a girl, I think her name was Jessica and I wanted to catchup with them but I was stopped when I felt hands covering my eyes.

"Guess who." A familiar female voice whispered in my ears.

"Look Natalie I don't have time for this." I said removing her hands from my eyes.

Natalie glared at me and put her hand on her waist.

"What? Why don't you have anytime for me?" She asked with a frown.

"I'll be right back just hold on." I said.

"WAIT, SEAN.." Natalie screamed.

I cut Natalie off and I turned around Chloe and Jessica had disappeared I ran to the lunch hall to look for them.

I looked all over the lunch hall for Chloe and Jessica but they where no where to be found.

Where the hell did they go?

After 3 minutes of looking I gave up with an exasperated sigh and went to sit on my table.

I saw Natalie looking at me curiously.
"So what exactly where you looking for?" She asked.

"Oh nothing really, I was just looking for...Jessica." I said, I don't know why Jessica popped into my head, I guess it's because she was hanging out with Chloe.

She raised her eyebrow and looked at me in confusion.

Natalie is my best friend we've know each other for more than 15 years so she knows when I'm hiding things.

"And why would you be looking for her?" She asked.

"Because.. I gave her my English textbook yesterday and since I'm having English after lunch I wanted to get it from her." I said smoothly.

"Since when does the Sean lanter care about school or even have school textbooks?" She asked.

"Dad said if I fail English again I'll be in deep shit." I said, hoping she wouldn't press on.

She didn't really looked like she believed but she shrugged it off.

I saw Matt coming with his girlfriend Rae.

Everyone began to talk about stuff I couldn't make I out I didn't bother to join in the conversation and they didn't seem to notice or mind that I wasn't saying anything because I only had 1 thing in my mind.. Chloe.


As I was walking to my car after school I think it was fate when I saw Chloe walking to her car with Jessica.

I ran up to them and I saw Jessica talking to Chloe.

"Hey." I said, scratching the back of my neck.

I didn't really plan this out, I have no idea what to say to her, I just felt like I had to see her like if I didn't it would be the end of the world.

She turned around and when she saw me her straight face changed into a glare.

"What the hell do you want?" She spat, looking at me with disgust.

"Look, I just wanted to say..do you want to I don't know hang out sometime." I asked.

She furrowed her eyebrows "Is this a joke or something? Is this a who can get the new girl laid first thing?"

"What! Why would I do that? I would never do that." I said, getting angry that she would think I was that type of guy.

"Can you just stay away from me don't you remember what I said?" She asked, glaring at me.

"I know you would never do that and you where just joking anyway." I said.

"You don't know anything about me! Just stay the fuck away or you won't like what will happen next." She screamed, and with that she made her way into her car and Jessica followed.

I ran after her and grabbed her hand roughly then looked into her eyes.


That was the glint in her eyes it was evil.

Chloe Hale had a glint of evil in her eyes.

"Stay the fuck away from me Sean or I swear you're going to regret it." She said with do much bitterness in her tone it even made Jessica flinch.

They both got into her car then drove off


Once I got home I went straight to my room and crashed on my bed.

Chloe, that's all that has been on my mind throughout today, I don't even think it's healthy.

I got my pills from my bedside table and got some water and swallowed it.

Fuck, I hate these fat ass pills. I got on my phone and saw a text from Natalie. I typed a short reply before throwing my phone across my bed.

I'm going to find out who the hell Chloe Hale is.

Whether she likes it or not.

Authors note

I finished this chapter ages ago but I was too lazy to publish it XD

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