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Chloe's POV

It's been a week since I moved to dorcastle.
I've been waiting patiently for school to start.
And tomorrow it is going to start.

I've been thinking about what I should be.

Should I be a badass?

Should I be the shy girl?

Should I be part of the mean clique?

I want my reputation that I had in my other school to change.

In my other school I was the quiet mysterious girl, who had about 10 friends.

But in this school I'm thinking about being quite the opposite.

A wild girl, the person you don't want to mess with, but the girl that the teachers adore.

I'm going to the same school that I was in before.

The town is small so we only have 2-3 schools.

And I know most people that used to bully me would still be in that school.

They probably won't remember me but that doesn't mean I won't remember them.

I got to bed at around 10pm.


I woke up at 5am with sweat all over me.

I had a nightmare, I don't know what it was about, everything was disfigured and different.

I tried to go back to sleep but after 20 minutes of trying I said 'fuck it.' And got up from bed.

I wore a 'keep calm and fuck off shirt.' with some leggings and trainers.

Once I had finished getting ready, I went downstairs.

I saw daddy reading the newspaper taking a sip of coffee.

"Bye dad." I said.

"You don't want your breakfast? I made you some bacon and eggs." He said.

"Nah. I'm not really hungry." I said, walking away.

"Love you." He said, before I opened the door.

I turned around and gave him a tight smile and a slight head nod and forced out "love you too."

Once I closed the door, I rolled my eyes, couldn't it be anymore obvious that I don't love daddy.

I got in my car put my shades on and drove off.

I stopped to buy breakfast at small restaurant.

I really was hungry but I didn't want my food from daddy.

Once I had finished I got out and continued driving.


Once I stepped out of my car all eyes where on me.

I liked the attention so I kept my head held high with a straight face and walked into school.

I saw a girl walk up to me, she looked to preppy and she had the biggest fake smile on her face.

"Hi! You most be new here. My name is becca lark and I'll be showing you around today." She said with a big smile.

"I don't think I'll be needing your help." I said.

"It's my jobs to show new kids around, come on it will be fun and.." I walked away from her, her voice makes my ears want to bleed.

I looked for my locker and once I found it, I put my books inside.

I went to my first class.

It was math.

Once I got in, everyone was already seated.

I was about to enter before the teacher saw me but it was too late.

"Oh! You must be the new student chloe hale, so nice to meet you, I'm Mrs grand."

I noticed that everyone's attention turned to me.

I gave her a fake smile and mumbled something like 'nice to meet you.' Before I tried to get a seat.

"Wait, before you go tell us a bit about yourself."

Crap! This is what I've been dreading.

I turned back around and went to the front of class.

"I'm Chloe Hale, I'm not funny, interesting, or creative in any type of way and if you get me angry I will cut you." I said in a bored tone.

I saw some people looking at me with amused looks.

I heard someone ask "Are you a virgin?"

I turned around and saw a guy with the same 'keep calm and fuck off shirt.' That I have smirking at me.


The schools bad boy would ask me that.

"Is the pope gay?" I asked him.

"No.." He said looking confused.

"Then that answers you're question." I said.

"Well I think that's enough questions." Mrs Grand said.

"You can sit in between Andrew and Sean over there." She said, pointing.

Andrew looked at me and smirked and Sean was the guy that asked me the virgin question.. Just great.

I took my seat in the back of class and began to doodle in my notebook.


The class was over! If I had to here 1 more thing involving math I swear I will stab someone.

I got my books and went out of class.

As I walked out of class, I saw the guy that had the same shirt as me and asked the virgin question... I think his name is Sean walking behind me.

He kept walking behind me until I got tired of it and I turned around.

"What?" I asked, glaring at him.

He walked by and stopped when he got in front of me.

"Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should I walk by again?" He asked.

I raised my eyebrow.

"Haven't I seen you some place before?" He asked.

"Yes that's why I don't go there anymore." I said in a bored tone, getting my books from my locker.

"Do you.."

"Look, just leave me alone."

"And if I Don't?" He asked, leaning closer.

I leaned closer too. "Then I'll kill you." I whispered to myself.

I guess he heard me because He looked quite shocked which made me smile in a malicious way.

I then began to walk to my next class leaving him there with a shocked expression.



Okay! So how do you like it?
Good? Bad? Ok?

Please tell me :)

Hope you had a happy Valentine's Day because I had a date with my bed.

I think I'm going to do Sean's POV in the next chapter :)

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