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Chloe's POV

"So what brings THE Chloe hale to my house?" Mathew asked with a smirk.

"When did I become a 'the' Cole?" I asked, sitting on a couch making myself comfy.

"I see you're getting comfortable." He said, taking a seat next to me.

"Answer my question!" I snapped.

"hmm, feisty just the way I like it." He said, coming closer to me.

I was starting to loose my patience and this hormone filled teenage man whore wasn't making things better.

He seemed to be coming closer and I guess maybe if I gave him what he wanted he would answer me.

I pushed him and our lips connected. He was an ok kisser, a bit sloppy but definitely better than those drunk men you find in clubs.

After a few minutes u pulled away.

"Woah! That was.."

I interrupted Mathew before he could finish the sentence.

"Mathew, would you please answer my question now?" I said sweetly, hoping he would answer some of my damn questions and I'll be on my way before I do something I'll regret.

"Hmm? What was the question again?" He asked, ready to pile me into another kiss.

I reluctantly kissed him again and I whispered , "so why am I THE Chloe hale again?" I asked, hopefully he would answer my question this time.

"Oh." He said in between kisses. "It's just.." Kiss. "Everyone.." Kiss. "Thinks." Kiss. "You're a bad ass." Kiss.

I pulled away. "And why exactly do they think that?"

"Isn't it obvious? You like legit almost killed Sarah in the hallway and there's a rumour going around that you have a tattoo of a skull on your ass." He said out of breath.

"Oh and let's not forget Sean's strange crush on you." Mathew said.

"Sean has a crush on me?" I asked with my eyebrows up.

"Oh shit.. I wasn't supposed to tell anyone.. Oops?" He said with a smirk.

Sean has a crush on me.. I could use that to my advantage.

"Tell me more about this strange crush he has on me Mathew."

"Oh, you're like all he talks about now he's all Chloe did this.. Chloe did that.. Chloe wore this today, it gets quite annoying and creepy after a while, I actually think he's stalking you." He said.

"huh.. Do you have a bathroom anywhere."

"Oh yeah, down the hall first door to your left." He said.

I walked into the bathroom and brought out my phone and texted Jessica.

'Get this, Sean is stalking me.'

'Really?' She replied about 6 seconds after I sent the text.

'yep so I need you to do more digging on him and maybe even I don't know follow him around a little? Just do anything that makes sure I get more info on him.' I typed.

'Sure thing.' She replied.

I switched off my phone and went back to the living room where Mathew was there texting to someone on his phone.

He looked up and saw me. "There you are! That was a hell of a long shit you had." He said with a playful smile.

I returned it with a glare and made my way to the front door.

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