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Chloe's POV

My mother.

Let me tell you a bit about my mother.

She gave birth to me at the age of 17 and daddy was 19, she was very young so she didn't know how to raise me.

Mother didn't like daddy at all but daddy was completely in love with her but when my mothers parents heard that she was pregnant they forced her to marry daddy.

Although she was very angry and thought about running away with me but after a lot of convincing she finally said yes.

Mother and I had a special bound.

She was exactly like me.

A physcopath, she had no feelings or remorse for people.

That's why me and her got along so well, we had something that we could both relate to.

Mother didn't kill people, she thought about killing people but never did it, she didn't think it was right, unlike me mother new right from wrong.

She was the person that taught me how to control the urge of killing people, she was the person that actually made me smile, she was the person that actually kept me sane.

But when she left a part of me died inside.. The only sane part of me died and I became like this.

A monster.

I remember what happened like it was yesterday.

I was on the couch watching TV and My mother thought it was a good idea to got to the ATM at 10 pm because daddy needed some money.

I was waiting for mother to come back, it was already 2 am and still no sign of her.

Then finally there was a knock on the door.

When I opened it I saw some big men with badges and I thought I was in trouble so I ran upstairs and went to call daddy.

As I was running upstairs I thought about all the bad things I had done lately.

Once I woke up daddy we both came downstairs the police men told us that mother had been burned to death and my daddy's eyes widened and I could here a strange noise coming from his mouth and he was covering his face.

I felt nothing.

I watched as daddy cried and I didn't even bother to comfort him.

It was just an emptiness inside of me.

"Are you okay?" One of the officers asked me.

"I'm okay." I gave a short reply.

He looked worried as to why as I was still fine after the news he just told me.

"Kid, I don't think you understand.." The officer said with sympathy in his eyes.

"I do, mother is dead. She's either up there in heaven or burning in hell."

The officer look at me with a shocked expression on his face, almost craving for me to burst in tears.

But of course, I didn't.

Daddy came to hug me, liquid things coming out of his eyes, the liquid things where all over my shirt and he began to hug tighter. I didn't hug him back and after some time he let go.

I ran upstairs and the emptiness inside me soon filled with anger.

How could mother leave me like that?

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