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Chloe's POV

I'm sitting down blocking out the principal as she shouts at me.

I'm picking on my nails and waiting until she shuts that mouth of hers and I can get the hell out of here.

I'm in the principals office as we speak it was kind of a long story on how I ended up here but it was so worth it so here's what happened.


I called Jessica to pick me up for school.

It has been happening for the past 4 days now, Jessica is quite good when it comes to school gossip so Shellie's everything about everybody which make my targets slightly easy to get.

Once I got into her car she drove off.

We don't usually talk on these rides to school we are in silence she does her things I do mine but it's not an uncomfortable silence but today she was feeling rather chatty and brought up a conversation.

"So that Sean guy huh?" Jessica asked, keeping her eyes on the road.

"What about him?" I said raising my eyebrows, although my eyes where still glued to my phone.

"He seems quite.. I don't know suspicious or something." She said, afraid of my answer.

That got my attention, I switched of my phone and looked at her, "how so?" I asked.

"Most times I usually see him staring at you at every chance he gets when you're not looking, like he's trying to.. Figure you out." She said.

"Huh.. I didn't know that." I knew that Sean was kind of curious about me on the first days of school but I thought he would be over it now so the whole plan about destroying him died down.

"I also noticed that he changed all his classes so they are the same as yours." She noted.

"Oh, really? That's interesting, have a closer eye on Sean." I said, so Sean strikes again? He didn't come out injured the last time but this time I'm not quite sure.

I stepped out of Jessica's car and headed the the main doors of school with my head held up high.

I decided I want a fresh start, I'll let the past stay in the past all the people who have hurt me don't have to deal with the consequences.

It's the people who are going to hurt me that have got it bad.

Over the past few days I grew quite popular and I loved how the attention was on me and me only.

As I was getting my things from my locker someone slammed my locker.

I turned around to see a girl that was probably 5'2 with platinum blonde her with a pink mini skirt, a white crop top and flats.

I recognized the person immediately. It was Sarah my main bully as a child.

"So I see you're back in town Clo-hoe." Sarah said, laughing.

Just fucking great, she just what I needed in my life right now.

I was closing my eyes and breathing heavily, I don't want to cause a scene in school but if this bitch says 1 more thing I swear I will kill her in front of everyone.

"What's the matter clo-hoe you.." Before she could say anything I did something I have been planning to do for 10 years.

I gave her a big punch. The punch sends her flying pack and she hits some of the lockers, she attempts to get back up but she's too slow and I pull her hair up and give her another punch which breaks her nose.

I heard someone scream "FIGHT!"

By now a crowd had formed and I was loving the attention and the pleasure it was to hurt someone that I hate with a passion.

I smashed her face on the floor a lot of blood covering her face now she was struggling to say something but I heard her whisper, "Are you done yet?"

I replied with, "Who said I even started?"

Soon a teacher and a nurse came running into the halls and took Sarah to the clinic and sent me to the principals office.

As I was walking to the principals office I felt a pair of eyes burning holes in my backside I turned around.

There Sean was looking at me with curiosity and something else as I walk into the principals office.

So that's pretty much it this is how I ended up in the principals office barely listening to what he was saying and nodding occasionally.

All I heard out of the hour that I have been in Mr. Solem's was "You will be spending 3 weeks in detention after you come back from your 1 week suspension." Huh, pretty good I expected the punishment to be worse. I left the office and went to my classes for today.

As I was walking I could still feel eyes behind me but I didn't want to turn around just yet but when the person got closer I turned around and slapped whoever it was.

"Aagh!" I heard someone shout.

I didn't bother to find out who the person was but it was definitely a male he was crutching down holding is hands on his cheeks, muttering curse words.

I really wasn't in a good mood today.

I walked to my next class and I saw everyone's eyes on me which made my head go up and made me smile, I just love the attention.

Some where glaring at me some where shocked that I did that and some where hailing me with their eyes for standing up to Sarah.

Maybe moving here really was a good thing.

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