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yoongi dressed minji in a black long sleeve shirt and a red plaid suspender overall. it was an outfit she used only for holidays but it was one of the only red clothing items she had. ever since he found out minji was a girl, he read articles online about girl's clothing, he was pretty surprised with himself.

minji smiled as she looked in the mirror, "i look pretty" she giggled, yoongi ruffled the girls hair and nodded, "yes you do" he smiled, minji's hair was getting longer by the week and it bothered both of them, it was harder to style and brush.

"wanna cut my hair" she said, a frown on her face "i'll cut it really soon, maybe tomorrow" he said, he would usually cut minji's hair himself to save money. he was good at it since her hair was thin.


"cigarettes contain something in them that make them very hard to let go, the drug in cigarettes is called nicotine. when you smoke, it gets to your lungs and you can catch a very scary sickness" namjoon said, showing a video of a man smoking, minji hummed, yoongi did the exact same thing, would he get a scary illness?

"my appa smokes. appa lights up this white thing outside and cool smoke comes out of his mouth" she said, pointing to the screen displaying a video. namjoon legally had to talk to minji's dad, minji could be exposed to smoke and develop a disease.

the rest of students stayed quiet, namjoon was thinking of how to bring this up "ms. lee will be in here, i need to go handle something" he said, allowing the students to play with the toys as he pulled out yoongi's contact information


meanwhile at home, yoongi was crying about how much of a bad parent he was, he was still upset of the question minji asked the day before.

he really wished he could make it up to her and let her be like a 'normal' kid.

his phone startes ringing, he tried to clear his throat and try to make it sound like he wasn't crying just a second ago.



hello, this is, minji's preschool teacher. i would like to have a private conversation with you today, as soon as possible.


i can come in right now


perfect, please ask a staff member to guide you to room B-101


sounds good


thank you, i'll see in a few


yoongi groaned, what the hell did the school want now. what was so urgent about a private meeting? especially with the one and only kim namjoon.

he washed his face, trying to make it seem like he was not crying, he put on some clothes that weren't 3 days dirty and he brushed his hair. he looked in the mirror and faked a smile to see if it looked convincing enough.


yoongi sat across from namjoon, his heart beating as fast as it could because he was so anxious and because namjoon was so cute.

"as you know, today is drug free day for prek students. as the district requires us to, we show a video about drugs and what not" namjoon said, moving his hands, it was something he did when he talked, yoongi only nodded "mr.min, your daughter said in class, quote on quote, 'appa lights up this white thing outside and cool smoke comes out of his mouth' what do you think of that?" he asked, yoongi felt his heart drop and his hands tremble.

the last thing he wanted was his daughter taken away from him, he was freaking out, "i-i can explain" he said, namjoon raised a brow, "go on" he said, but truly, yoongi had no explanation.

he struggled to make words and he finally couldn't, he covered his face and began crying "mr.min, i'm legally required to call child protective services if a student reports that someone in their household uses drugs or anything similar to that" namjoon said, he felt bad for the boy, he really did.

"n-no, please don't! i'm not abusing her or anything! i love her so much but i just" yoongi was running out of breath and his hands were trembling, he was struggling to breathe.

"i just..her dad left me as soon as he found i was carrying minji and i haven't been able to cope with it. i constantly feel like a disappointment and feel like it's my fault. i didn't smoke during pregnancy but i did when she was around one or two, i don't smoke directly around her, she's always a few feet away" he said, his head was hurting and he felt dizzy.

namjoon wanted to give yoongi a big hug right there and there, he felt horrible, the boy clearly loved minji a lot, "mr.min, now it seems that i should call a psychological service" he said, yoongi shook his heas "i'm fine" the boy said, namjoon let out a small 'tch,tch' and grabbed a sticky note and a pen, "mr.min, you have an addiction and seem to have confidence issues" namjoon said, making eye contact with yoongi, yoongi didn't like this at all.

"i think you need psychological help so here's a list of some near your home" namjoon said, writing some locations down along with their phone numbers, "here's my personal number if you don't feel comfortable talking to anyone who i have listed, this is my personal number if you want to talk to me" namjoon said, yoongi nodded, he wanted to smile but he physically and mentally couldn't, he was drained.

"i can't let you go home if your breathing patterns are like this, stable your breaths and i'll get you some water" namjoon softly said, yoongi nodded, he was so tired so he laid his head on the table, sniffling a bit.

"are you still in school?" namjoon asked, yoongi nodded, "i'm majoring in advertising and media and minoring in business and photography" yoongi said, taking a sip of water and rubbing his eyes "that's nice, how old are you?" namjoon asked, yoongi raised a brow "im 22" he said, namjoon smiled "i'm 25"

yoongi nodded. now, why the hell would he wnat to know namjoon's age? he didn't want to talk to him anymore.

"you know, you're doing a great job raising minji. she's told me so much about you and she's really smart, smarter than the average prek student during this time" namjoon said, yoongi showed a small smile, "i try my best" he mumbled, namjoon smiled widely. the boy was so cute, he was freaking out.

"sounds like you do" he chuckled, yoongi turned red and nodded "thank you" he said, not knowing what else to say.


yoongi went back home to only cry more, he asked jungkook to cover his shift which he said yes to but was asking many questions. he had asked seokjin to pick minji up for him because he couldn't, he was so tired. he just wanted a break from life, everything waas exhausting.

"yoongi, are you alright?" seokjin said, he could see the boy's puffy eyes and messy hair "i'm fine" he said, putting away minji's backpack "you look out of it" he said, yoongi shook his head and sighed "i'm fine" he repeated, seokjin hummed

"whatever you say"


hi i hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. thank you for the support on this book. qotd: what do you think of namjoon so far? sorry for any mistakes

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