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tw: self harm

yoongi got ready like usual. except minji was being moody and not eating breakfast because yoongi gave her something other than eggs with fruit.

"minji, appa will buy eggs another time but you need to eat please" yoongi sighed, a bit frustrated with minji "no!" minji huffed, yoongi took deep breaths, having the urge to shout and scream "you'll eat at jinnie's, we really need to go" yoongi said, grabbing the girl and putting her on his waist and ran to the car.


"i was starting to think you got fired again" seokjin mumbled, rubbing his eyes as he took minji from yoongi "no, minji was just mad about us not having eggs so she wouldn't eat her pancakes" yoongi sighed, seokjin chuckled "i'll make her some eggs, have a good day"


yoongi arrived to his workplace and saw a man in front of him with a bright smile "yoongi? it's jungkook" the man said, bowing down. yoongi panicked a bit, "uhh h-hi" he said, cringing at himself, deciding this is why he had no friends other than seokjin and jimin.

the small happiness amount of happiness he felt was ruined by the feeling of iced water thrown at him, he shivered and felt tears brim in his eyes "what the fuck" yoongi groaned, standing there for a second before looking around and seeing no one, he sighed and frowned. why couldn't he be left alone?


yoongi felt his vision go blurry, his body felt heavy and he felt cold and hot at the same time. he tried to grip on a table but couldn't. he passed out in front of the people there making them feel afraid and call for help.

jungkook was there first, trying to make the boy wake up and sit. none of the other employees helped because of how much they hated yoongi.

he grabbed yoongi's phone from his pocket and turned it on. a picture of his daughter and some other man next to her was displayed. he searched to the boy's contacts, instantly clicking on the first one.


jungkook (yoongi's phone)

hi this is jungkook, yoongi's friend and coworker. yoongi passed out and i don't know what to do so please pick him up and take him to the hospital.


oh what oh my god yeah of course


to jungkook's relief, yoongi woke up and tried to stand up but couldn't which made him want to cry "your friend will be here to pick you up and take you to the hospital to make sure you're okay. take a seat, i'll bring you some water and tell the manager you're leaving for the day to take care of yourself" jungkook said, yoongi hummed and nodded. he was upset that he would not be working for a few hours, he needed the little money he could get.

jungkook brought the boy a glass of water and some crackers "you need this, hopefully you feel better" the boys said, smiling a bit "thanks" yoongi mumbled, taking small sips of the water until seokjin got there.


"why did you pass out? are you eating, drinking water, and sleeping? you really need to take care of yourself, i know it can be hard but you really need it" seokjin scolded, a sigh leaving his lips as he started the car, yoongi felt intimidated. the last time seokjin had scolded him like this was when he was caught overworking himself while pregnant with minji "s-sorry" yoongi frowned, laying down on the back seat and closing his eyes. he hated this feeling, he hated making others feel disappointed in him.

yoongi entered the hospital with seokjin, he had to be helped since he still felt weak. minji was a hit confused, she had never been to a hospital.


"where are we?" minji asked, seokjin looked at the girl and showed a small smile "we're at a hospital, a hospital helps people. they have doctors and nurses" seokjin explained, minji gasped and frowned "why they take appa?! i went to a doctor and they gave me a shot and it hurt! no want that for appa! give me appa!" minji shouted, luckily no one else was around them and it was empty, the boy sighed "appa was sick at work and something happened so now he had to go to the hospital. maybe they give appa a shot but it's so he can feel better" seokjin explained in order to calm minji down, caring for minji definitely taught him how to explain things in a simple way.

minji kept wanting to see yoongi, begging seokjin to let her see him but in reality, he couldn't do anything about it "friends of min yoongi?" a nurse asked, seokjin stood up and minji did too. they were guided to yoongi's room.


"appa!" minji giggled, jumping up and down. seokjin set minji on the hospital bed so she could be next to yoongi "did it hurt?" minji asked, the boy chuckled "just a bit, when they placed the iv" yoongi said, pointing to the iv on his arm. it was all new to minji, it made her ask yoongi a log of things which yoongi gladly answered.

"yoongi, you really need to take care of yourself. you need to be eating, sleeping, drinking water, and practicing self care" seokjin said, yoongi sighed and picked at his fingers "im trying, what you do really helps me but i still can't find time for myself but that's fine, im fine" yoongi reassured, seokjin hummed, not knowing if yoongi was actually 'fine'.

"i wanna go home" minji pouted, crossing her arms "we can go home soon, when the doctor says we can" yoongi said, seokjin nodded as a way to agree with yoongi.


seokjin kept rubbing the fact that yoongi needed to take care of himself, the older boy was basically shouting at yoongi. seokjin failed to notice the boy was sniffling and almost about to cry. yoongi hated when people nagged at him, it made him feel sad and like a disappointment.

"stop! appa sad!" minji shouted, seokjin stopped and looked at the boy who was indeed crying "yoongi, what's wrong?" seokjin asked, he forgot that yoongi hated when people shouted at him, even after being friends with him for almost 4 years.

"i-i didn't mean to make you u-upset, it's very h-hard for me to t-take care of myself when im a-alone with minji, i overwork myself on accident, i don't mean to. im sorry for making you upset" yoongi said and began crying, seokjin wiped the boy's tears "don't cry, i didn't intentionally shout, i just really want you to take care of yourself" seokjin said, yoongi sniffled and nodded. he felt like a little boy being scolded.


yoongi got home and he flopped on the couch, his hand was itching for the blade he hadn't had in years. as disappointed he felt in himself, he felt like he deserved it.

"appa is going to the bathroom, here's my phone" yoongi said, handing her phone to minji with minji gladly accepted.


yoongi grabbed a blade, a small smile on his face as he stared at it. he deserved it, he truly did. he enjoyed seeing the blood on his thigh and arm.

he grabbed some bandaids and placed them on his thigh and arm. he put on some loose clothes so minji wouldn't tell seokjin about anything, hopefully seokjin didn't say anything either.


yoongi then grabbed his pack of cigarettes and his lighter and headed outside. he placed the cigarette on his lips and lit it up, inhaling the toxic chemicals.

maybe he was getting a bit addicted, but he would stop himself. right?


hii, how are you? i hope you enjoyed this chapter. please take care and stay safe. qotd: what is something you would like to say to jungkook? sorry for spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes

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