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unknown number

hello namjoon


who's this?

unknown number

this is your mother


hoseok, if this is you, please stop


who's hoseok?

namjoon, it's me


namjoon began shaking, this had to be some sick joke. it had to be.




unknown number

what do you mean no?

it's me, namjoon

i saw you're having a child

and have a daughter


how do you know?

unknown number

your cousin told me


that's not the point

i'm sorry namjoon


namjoon started crying, gasping for air. he felt like his lungs were shutting down.

he felt like he was dying, he felt like he was suffocating. this had to be a joke. a sorry wasn't going to cut all the abuse he went through.

it didn't help that he was home alone, he didn't help yoongi to help him calm down. he was by himself.


unknown number

i quit drinking, i'm so sorry. i regret it all. i know a sorry doesn't make up for it, how about we meet up with your family?


namjoon truly thought it was his last day on earth. he was shaking, crying, gasping for air.

this couldn't be real. he refused to believe it was real. he wanted to wake up from this nightmare.

he heard the front door open, meaning yoongi and minji were back home.

"joonie?" yoongi asked, hearing some sobs. he opened their bedroom door and saw the boy shaking, and crying.

"joonie baby, breathe" yoongi said, slowly sitting next to the boy, holding his shaky hand.

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