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tw: court

yoongi flinched at the slamming of namjoon's laptop while he washed dishes, "joon, that laptop isn't cheap and be careful to not wake up the kids"

"yoongi! i'm so sick and tired of this legal thing! all day, every day, i'm receiving emails about 'kim namjoon, you haven't turned in this document', or 'kim namjoon, you need more documents'. i just want custody of my little girl, is that too much to ask?" he sobbed into his hands, yoongi frowned, turning off the sink water and dried his hands.

he sat next to him and rubbed his back, "joon, it's going to be okay. i know this case will go well" yoongi spoke, "i-i'm just so tired" he cried, yoongi sighed.

all namjoon would do was check his emails or be at the attorney's office to turn in documents or speak further about the case. he knew namjoon was tired of waking up to speak to the attorney multiple hours of day.

"i'm sure minji will also say something winning worth at the court. she's amazing with words" yoongi said, namjoon just cried.

was custody of minji too much to ask for?

"how about you rest?" yoongi asked, namjoon sniffled and nodded.

after weeks, it was finally the day of the court.

the court was at 10:00am, but they had gotten there a few hours before to prepare.

"i'm really nervous" minji whispered to namjoon, "i am too" namjoon whispered back, "i'm really scared, dad" minji sniffled, namjoon frowned and carried her to hug her. he could feel her trembling hands.

"i promise you that no matter what happens today, we'll be together" he spoke, "all you have to do is say what you feel about me and answer the judge's questions. the lawyer and i already did the big parts" he reassured the girl, "okay" she sniffled, letting herself be carried by namjoon.

"minji, what is donghyun to you?" the judge asked.

"i've only met with donghyun a couple times. those couple times weren't good. i met him at a restaurant when my appa was pregnant with minjun, i remember he body shamed my appa and said he was glad he left my appa and i's life" minji said, "she's lying!"

"sir, i'm not speaking to you right now" he spoke, sighing and rubbing his forehead, "did he say that directly to you?"

"yes, your honor" minji said, "now, what is kim namjoon to you?"

namjoon gulped, feeling his intestines move around and a feeling of nausea in his mouth.

"i like to describe kim namjoon as my dad, or my second appa. he was quick to accept me as his child when he met my appa, min yoongi. he never treated me with any less respect. he treats me the way any outstanding parental figure would. he does beyond what most parents do. both him and my appa are amazing. he listens to everything i have to say, he makes sures i'm happy, he is doing an amazing job"

the judge smiled, "you have an amazing way with words, minji. do you perhaps like to read?" he laughed, minji nodded, "yes, i do. both namjoon and i love to read, we go to the library together and according to him, i have a high lexile, i don't know what that means though"

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