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although yoongi was happy that minjun was home, he felt the post partum depression developing.

he often felt unmotivated, tired, sad, and had suicidal thoughts. he kept it to himself, he figured no one cared.

"joonie" yoongi mumbled at 4am, minjun was crying, "get the baby" yoongi spoke, his eyes not open.

"why me?" he asked, still sleeping, "i am tired" yoongi spoke, his eyes still closed, "me too, i have work in the morning"

yoongi got up even though he felt drained, he carefully picked up minjun and rocked him around.

"it's okay" he softly shushed the boy, walking away to make him a bottle. he was used to making these with one hand.

"shh" yoongi softly said as he mixed the bottle, he changed the position minjun was in and fed him his bottle.

"you're a hungry boy" he smiled, sitting down on the couch as he waited for minjun to finish up.

minjun started declining the bottle so yoongi set it down. he placed a cloth on his shoulder and softly patted his back until he heard the burp and felt the liquid on his back.

"good job, little one" yoongi spoke, rocking him around.

yoongi woke up again at 8am to a crying baby, he was alone with minjun. namjoon got minji ready for school and took her to school on his way to work.

"minjun, let me sleep, love" he mumbled, rubbing his eyes. he sighed, getting up to see what was wrong.

he was unfortunate to deal with a diaper, he sighed again.

yoongi found that minjun refused to be set down. he was annoyed by that, he started crying with the baby in his arms.

"i-i have to make lunch and you don't let me!" yoongi sniffled, rocking him around of hopes of him falling asleep.

"please stop sucking on my shirt" yoongi sighed, going to grab a pacifier.

he attempted to place it in his mouth but he declined it, he sighed. he wanted to cry, he set him down which made the little one burst into tears.

yoongi sat across him, he didn't know what to do.






can u help me with minjun for a bit?

i need to make lunch



i'll be there in like 10 mins

"hello" jungkook smiled when he entered the house, seokjin was taking care of their daughter.

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