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yoongi can you come over :(


ofc what happened


need someone to talk to :(


give me 20 minutes

be there soon!

"sorry, minjun didn't want a diaper change" yoongi smiled, setting the baby car seat on the floor.

jungkook nodded, "it's okay" he softly smiled, "what did you want to talk about?" yoongi asked, making a bit of eye contact with jungkook.

"i don't think i can give jiwoo a sibling" he sighed, yoongi frowned and looked at jungkook, "why is that?"

"seokjin and i have been trying for so long.. and we have n-nothing...h-he's getting upset but doesn't tell me a-and i feel h-horrible" he cried, yoongi frowned even harder.

"gosh jungkookie, i can't imagine how you feel. i don't know what to tell you.. i wish you the best of luck conceiving. you're not alone" yoongi spoke, wiping jungkook's tears.

"s-seokjin doesn't want jiwoo to be an o-only sibling.. i-i don't know w-what's wrong with me" he cried, yoongi gave the boy a sympathetic look.

"nothing is wrong with you. i wish i knew what would help. just remember surrogacy is an option" yoongi said, "i-i don't want a surrogate" he cried, he felt guilty that he couldn't give seokjin a second child.

"i-i actually did have another baby" he sniffled, yoongi stayed silent so jungkook kept speaking, "i-i miscarried.. i-i n-never told s-seokjin.. i-i didn't even get to tell him i was pregnant" he cried, yoongi gasped a bit, "oh my gosh" he mumbled.

"when was that?" yoongi asked, "uh.. four months ago or so" he sniffled, "i never t-told him.. j-just.. what did i do wrong?" he cried, yoongi wiped the boy's tears.

"did he not notice you were upset?" yoongi asked, "h-he did..b-but i didn't tell him"  he sniffled, yoongi pulled him in for a hug, "you're so strong"


hi seokjin

how are u and jungkook?


doing well


jungkook called me over

he's really upset and frustrated that he can't conceive


we both are

i really want jiwoo to have a sibling:(

if jungkook can't do that, it's okay



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