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yoongi winced as he changed his bandage, he was putting on a new one so his arm wouldn't get infected. he changed it while minji was still sleeping since minji always told b seokjin about everything he did. he was lucky minji didn't know the word 'smoked'.

he put on a long sleeve black shirt under his work t-shirt, sliding on some tight jeans that made his thighs sting.

"minji, get up" yoongi lightly shaked the young girl, minji whined and hit yoongi's arm "ouch minji, that hurt a lot" yoongi frowned, "m wanna sleep" the small girl said, yoongi tickled the girl which caused her to laugh and run out of breath "now that you're up, appa will get you ready" yoongi chuckled, minji smiled "wanna play again! please appa!" minji whined, yoongi shook his head as he put on minji's socks "we can play that later, after i get done with work"


yoongi arrived to work and began doing his job, surprised that his coworkers hadn't caused trouble yet.

"long sleeves? it's so hot outside hyung" jungkook chuckled, yoongi forced a chuckle "my house was cold so i put this on but now it's hot. it's fine though" yoongi said, jungkook gasped a bit "you take orders outside too! it's like 90 degrees fahrenheit outside, how have you not died? you'll literally pass out again" jungkook said, yoongi couldn't help but laugh "but the outside people tip well" yoongi shrugged, letting out a sigh.

yoongi began eating for his break, he brought some rice and kimchi because seokjin gave it to him.



hi yoongi, minji won't stop crying over you


im eating lunch so hand her the phone

seokjin (minji)

appa! miss you so much *sniffle*


sweetheart, please don't cry. when appa gets home, we'll play a lot of fun games and play tickle monster just like you wanted! i miss you too sweetheart, but i'll pick you up soon

seokjin (minji)

okay appa, i made you a drawing! it's you and me! with dog! can we get a dog? please appa


well um no, not right now minji but maybe in the future!

seokjin (minji)

ok appa! have a n-nice day at work!


thank you minji, have a great day at jinnie's

seokjin (minji)

ok! i love you appa


i love you more


"that was your daughter?" jungkook asked, yoongi smiled and nodded, pulling up a picture of her and showing it to him "ah! she's so cute, she looks a lot like you" jungkook smiled, yoongi chuckled "thanks! she's almost three, time passes by so fast. she'll start school soon and that's kind of shocking to me" yoongi said, he loved talking about minji and often rambled too much "she's getting big, she's so lucky to have a parent like you" jungkook smiled, yoongi blushed a bit "y-yeah, you can see her soon, she gets bored a lot! maybe in 2 days"

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