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"why are we here?" minji whispered to seokjin, as far as minji knew, they were in a waiting room but she didn't know why, "we're waiting for the therapist" seokjin said, minji let out a hum.

like usual, namjoon gave her a letter for yoongi which minji would give to yoongi and then yoongi would give minji a letter to give to namjoon. seokjin and jungkook often joked about minji being a mail carrier.

the small girl stood up and went to play with the toys in the corner of the the waiting room. the waiting room gave a somewhat comforting vibe, the walls were a dark blue and there was black chairs and couches.

seokjin liked it, minji not that much. she prefered lighter colors.


"hi minji, my name is lee seo-yeon but you can call me miss lee" the woman said, she immediately notices how distracted minji was. the small girl was more focused on the paintings on the wall than on the woman.

"do you want me to tell me about yourself?" she asked, minji hummed and shrugged, "my name is minji" she said, taking a toy car from the plastic bucket that the woman had.

"do you want to tell me more about yourself or is that it?" she asked, her tone was sweet and calming, seokjin and jungkook were just watching the girl talk with the therapist.

the girl shook her head, "that's okay, so i'm going to talk with your dad's in private, is that okay?" she asked, the small girl raised a brow, "that's jinnie and kookie, not my dad's" she said, the therapist looked at both boys and then at the girl, "ahh, i'm so sorry, i shouldn't have assumed. what are you guys to minji?"

"jungkook is minji's dad's friend and coworker, i am too without the coworker part" he chuckled, the therapist nodded, "is there a reason why minji's father or mother isn't here?" she asked, "minji has one parent and the parent is in the hospital" he said, "i'm sorry to hear that, we will talk about this matter in private" she said, minji was too busy playing. minji had to leave the room and go to another room so seokjin and jungkook could talk with the therapist.


the therapist and both boys talked about minji and her behaviors, she wrote down some key things before going to talk with minji.

the woman and small girl sat in a small room, the therapist was getting her things ready, "so, how's your day?" she asked, "good" minji answered, she was playing with some play doh the woman had on the table.

"okay, so i'm going to ask you some questions and i need you to give me honest answers, do you know what i mean?" she asked, minji nodded and let out a small, 'mhmm'.

she did a psychological evaluation which revealed that she felt minor anxiety, but it was hard to talk to the girl when she couldn't keep still and would start talking about other things.


"so, she shows minor anxiety over her father and is very distracted, is there a reason why she might be very energetic and distracted?" the therapist asked, she had heard about yoongi's mental health history which helped her a bit. seokjin hummed, "i forgot to mention that her father has adhd" he said, the women nodded.

"there's a high chance she might have adhd too, i'm not going to diagnose her with anything today. we should schedule two sessions per week, if more is needed then we can schedule more" she said, seokjin and jungkook nodded. they scheduled the session and headed to the hospital.


"look appa! brought you fries" minji smiled, seokjin and jungkook went to mcdonald's since the young girl was hungry, it wasn't the healthiest choice but once in a while wouldn't hurt anybody.

"thank you minji" yoongi smiled, minji handed her namjoon's letter and yoongi handed his letter.

"how was the appointment? i couldn't sleep thinking about it" yoongi chuckled, "it went well, her first session is after this weekend" seokjin said, yoongi nodded, "did they say anything else?" he asked, "well, there's a high chance she has adhd" he said, yoongi looked at seokjin with a blank stare.

"i'm going to throw myself out that window" yoongi said, jungkook pulled minji onto his lap, placing earphones on her ears and playing some random song so she wouldn't have to hear whatever was about to happen.

"that wasn't funny yoongi, don't joke about that shit" seokjin said, "i never said i was joking" yoongi mumbled, staring at the boy, jungkook gulped and stared at both boys. the atmosphere was tense and jungkook hated it, he bounced his leg which made the girl giggle.

"you don't say that shit min yoongi, do you know how fucking scary it's been for me? i don't think you understand, just don't say that shit anymore" the boy groaned, yoongi was too tired to process anything, "well do you want me to lie to you or what?" yoongi said, jungkook stared from the corner and bit the inside of his mouth.

"well don't threaten me, what do you want me to do about the fact your daughter might have adhd?" seokjin said, yoongi sighed, "nothing! i'm just so upset that she might inherit my mental history! i-it's fucking scary!" yoongi cried, minji couldn't hear but she could see, "why appa crying?" minji asked, taking off the headphones.

she walked towards yoongi and jumped onto the hospital bed, she gave him a hug and smiled, "no more crying" she said, yoongi wiped his tears and pulled the girl into a hug.

"you know appa is always here for you, i'm always here" yoongi said, seokjin glared at the boy, he didn't know what to feel or think.


yoongi began sobbing after seokjin, minji, and jungkook left. it was a daily cycle, he would always cry after they left. sometimes there was a reason but usually there wasn't.

he opened the letter namjoon had given today, his tears immediately fell onto the paper.

today's letter was a bit more special, the corners of the paper were decorated with sticker hearts and it was written with a pen instead of a pencil.


hi yoongi, i hope you're doing much better. i hope everything is alright at the hospital.

i don't have much to say for today, i just wanted to let you know that you're amazing. you're an amazing parent and person in general.

minji tells me about things you guys do together, it's so sweet. in my few years of teaching, i've never met a parent like you. i'm more likely to find abusive parents than parents like you.

minji tells me about how you read to her everytime you get the chance, you allow her to watch you cook and sometimes even let her help, you always listen to her and play with her. you're amazing yoongi. you truly are amazing.


kim namjoon♡


that was enough for yoongi to cry more, he loved the feeling of people admiring him. he felt special and it was rare nowadays with so much going on.

he sobbed and sobbed, it seemed like there wasn't going to be an end to his crying for a while.


stay safe and healthy! drink water and eat some food! sorry for any mistakes, i love you all! qotd: last thing that made you sad? so sorry if this isn't that good.

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