The Best Night of Her Life

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Mason did the most romantic thing any guy could ever do to a girl: he actually bought a fresh bouquet of flowers and went down on his knee just to ask her to go out and spend the day with him.

Thanks to him, Sophia has an idea of what it would feel like when a man would propose to her. She couldn't leave the handsome man waiting and said yes. They actually looked like a newly engaged couple and it was that adorable.

Sophia was now fussing around in her room about what to wear and what to do with everything else. She didn't even know where Mason was taking her, but knowing Mason, he will surpass all of her expectations because that is what Mason does. He wouldn't be Mason if he couldn't top everyone else's ideas. Everyone knew that he was such an overachiever; wanting to please everyone to its absolute limit, and sometimes, it's not really a bad thing.

Sophia was scanning her outfit if it was just park good or if it was gourmet restaurant good. She was starting to really panic. Of course she didn't want the date to be an epic fail, but she didn't want to be a try hard either.

Girl problems.

Mason, on the other hand, was already prepared and was currently playing with his Xbox. You'd call him a little boy, but then you would see how hot he is and just tell yourself that that was definitely not a boy at all.

He was wearing a white v-neck, some black pants and a black blazer. His hair was shorter now due to his recent haircut, and he looked much more serious than when he had strands reaching below his eyebrows.

It's just so unfair that guys can just throw on some crap they found randomly in their closet and still make it look good. For some reason, the world raised the standards for women to the point where they're stressing out, like Sophia. like in a formal event,a guy could totally wear the same three piece suit and still be complimented by all the lustful stares of women, but if women wore the same thing, the other women would call her poor. Do you see the injustice here?

After practically tearing her closet apart, Sophia decided to settle for a dress that ended above her knee. It totally suited any occasion, whether formal or not. She even wore a nice cardigan just in case it got cold tonight.

Her hair was vibrant like it always is. It fell with gorgeous waves that totally suited her everything.

She was putting on some earrings in front of her mirror when she heard a knock on the door.

"I'm coming." She yelled through the open door of her room in the second floor, so the person may not have heard it.

And like a cautious person Sophia Heatherson was, she looked through the peephole. A girly smile crept on her face when she saw Mason looking as dashing as always.

"Good evening to you, good sir." She playfully greeted after opening the door.

"Lovely night isn't it, beautiful madam." Mason played along, throwing in a medieval salutation gesture.

After a good laugh about each other, he offered her his hand like a true gentleman always should and lead her in her driveway where one of his many chic sports car was parked.

Sophia was shocked on how many options it had. The panel behind the wheel was practically a flashlight. The chairs were slightly leaned back, which made Sophia feel really fancy.

"How do you feel?" Mason randomly asked as he got in the car.

"Real fancy." Sophia replied stupidly, earning a throaty chuckle from her date. She eventually joined the laughter because it finally came to her on how weird she must have sounded.

After driving through the late night traffic like some psycho maniac, they finally made it to a really fancy restaurant in one piece. Sophia's eyes were huge and her breathing was ragged, but she was all around thankful that she managed to survive that death ride. She twisted her head and was surprised to see that Mason had an expression like he just had the freaking time of his life. Sophia started questioning his sanity.

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