Could You Imagine the Agony?

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It took Sophia a good hour or two to let all that burden out of her chest. It felt good to have someone to rant to. Talking about everything really lifts a burden off of your chest. After they talked about her problems mostly, they said their goodbyes and headed off on their own ways.

Sophia got home at around seven in the evening. It was a good thing that her parents trusted her or else she would be in a shit load of problems right now. All he had to do was to tell them that she was in the park with a friend. Good thing that they didn't as who the said 'friend' was.

As soon a she made it to her room, she was exhausted from climbing a lot of stairs and immediately falling face down on her bed. It only took her fifteen minutes before she started snoring.

The next morning, Sophia woke up with no memory of what happened last night and all the memory she managed to keep was pretty vague. She wasn't shocked that she foud herslef sleeping in the clothes she wore yesterday because she did remember how tired she was from all that walking.

She showered, did her hygienic stuff, and changed her clothes. Before she went through the door, she checked everything to see if she forgot something.

She headed down the mountain of stairs that her house had and kissed her parents good morning in the cheek. Her mom gave her a slice of toast and went out as fast as lightning.

Walking through the passing people, she did feel weird eating a piece of toast which was in her hand. Yes, some biker people did give her a stare or two, but she grew accustomed to it.

She got to school, finishing the toast in one huge bite. She went in the building while skipping through the halls like a little school girl.

"Hi." She enthusiastically greeted Mason as soon as she reached him by his locker. Mason did stumble back a bit, probably surprised by the burst of positive happiness she never had.

"What the heck happened to you, sunshine?" He asked her as soon as he regained his 'cool guy' composure.

Sophia just continued flashing him her wide happy smile, swaying constantly from side to side. Mason just continued looking at her like she was some weirdo who just came up to him.

"Ugh. Pathetic." They heard someone scoff. Both Sophia's smile immediately dropped as her and Mason's head whipped around to look for the jerk who said that. And of course, their eyes landed on Jessica who had a really rotten look on her face.

Jessica stood there with two of her 'friends' as she pretended like she was totally unaffected by the people across the hall who were glaring at her.

"You know if she keeps on scowling like that, she is going to get some serious wrinkles on her face." Sophia whispered to Mason as she leaned on the lockers with her arms crossed. Mason just chuckled at her.

Sophia looked to Jessica to see if she had gotten a reaction from her, but all she got was an eye roll and her walking away with her dogs following her.

Sophia and Mason tried to hide the snicker as they walked through the halls with a very intimidating vibe going around them.

After that little incident, the first half of school went along pretty well for Sophia. It was a break for them so she decided to go to her locker to see if she can find an entertaining way to kill time.

She stopped in her tracks as soon as she saw an opportunity. She saw Zach standing there without his clingy girlfriend.

"Hey Zach." She walked to him.

"Hey." He greeted with a very neutral reaction, not like the ones she use to get from him.

"What happened to you?" She decided to cut straight to the point. She would try to convince him to be her old friend.

"What are you talking about?" Her question seemed to have caught his attention. Zach's eyes were now set on what she had to say.

"You know what I'm talking about." She continued.

"Zach, you were my best - est friend in the whole entire world, and now you're completely avoiding me and totally giving me the coldest shoulder anyone has ever given me. And you know that I've got a lot of terrible cold shoulders." She pleaded to him.

"Look Sophia, it's nothing personal. But if I had to choose between love and friendship, it's love all the way." He explained to her.

"But you don't even know if it really is tru-" She was cut off by a hand that spun her around and totally bitch slapped her hard in the face that Sophia fell from the impact. A crowd started forming and whispering to each other.

"What did I tell you about talking to Zach, you bitch." She kicked her hard that she rolled over the floor and started groaning.

More punches and kicks came her way before her saving grace pushed through the crowd and pushed Jessica hard that she stumbled back and bumped the lockers which caused a loud bang and for some of it to open. Zach immediately came to Jessica's aid whilst Mason got Sophia's badly bruised body safely tucked in his arms.

Gasps erupted from the crowd.

"Control your bitch would you." Mason yelled at Zach which earned him a glare, but he didn't care. All that was in his mind was Sophia.

"You're gonna be okay. Just hang in ther." Mason tried to comfort Sophia as he dashed through the hallways and through the school doors. Sophia just kept on groaning in pain.

Until she eventually passed out.

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