Rule Number Four: Got to be Looking Pure

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Sophia was contented as she dug her head further into the fluffy pillow and wrapped herself tightly in the cozy blanket like a burrito. She didn't want to wake up. Who would when you have a bed that feels like absolute heaven. She remembered all the events last night and hummed in content, mainly because she knew that they didn't do anything they'll regret. Nope, she was totally sober and she loved it a whole bunch.

Suddenly, warm butterfly kisses started trailing up her arm, which started waking her up. The kisses started to go up and planted some on her neck before going up to her cheek. Sophia couldn't think of a better way to wake up.

"Rise and shine, sweetheart." She could feel his lips pulling into a smile against her cheek as he continued planting sweet kisses on her.

Sophia finally rolled over and payed on her back with a really bright and happy smile on her face. "Hello." She sleepily smiled.

They both chuckled before Mason landed a sweet kiss on her plump lips. Both of them moaned since this was their second kiss, and it was sweet; like what a girl always dreamt of if her life could be a movie.

Mason pulled away and Sophia was gently holding his face while striking his light stubble. It was cute to see him with it. All the memories from the night before flashed back and they were sa voting every bit of it. She wouldn't have changed any of it even if she could. Last night was absolutely perfect.

"Rule number four." Mason suddenly said, which caught Sophia off guard as her face morphed into a confused expression.

"And what would that be?" Sophia couldn't help but smile. She was a very happy and cheerful person, and being with someone like Mason amplified it a lot.

"You need to look really innocent and pure." Mason said as he sat up. Sophia soon followed him.

"That sounds boring." She scoffed. It was ridiculous that he would make her go through such change and then just end it with something as stupid as that.

"But you have to be wild in bed." He cocked his eyebrows as to say 'you should have waited'.

Sophia looked stunned. She has never been that intimate with a person to actually give him the holy v card (virginity wink wink).

"Fine, lets lower it down a bit." Mason knew her like the insides of his car, and that was a lot considering that he would disassemble and then immediately reassemble it purely for fun.

"You just have to look it. You know, be hot and all hard to get. At least be a good kisser." Mason suggested. He found it absurd that she hasn't slept with anyone. He instantly rethought knowing that the only times she tried were at parties and since parties always bit her in the ass, it never turned out well.

"Well, how the hell does a person practice kissing?" She yelled at the stupidity of her situation.

Right when she turned her head, Mason landed his super hot lips on her also hot ones and they started to have a really hot make out; one that Sophia didn't protest to. They ended up laying back down in the bed and spending who knows how long 'practicing'. It was cool though because it was the weekend, and that means that there was no visiting the hell hole also known as school.

Mason dragged her off to the rich side of town to get her a new wardrobe, and when Sophia asked on what was wrong with her current wardrobe, he just told her that there was no such thing as too much clothes.

They were practically shopping in the mall that was equivalent to Rodeo Drive. Well known brands were everywhere and brands that Sophia wished she could have but never had enough money.

"You know you don't have to buy all this for me. I can always use the ones you got for me before." Sophia tried to tell him while she was in the fitting room and Mason was leaning against the door.

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