Friendship Never Ends

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Being presented with two very different choices is very confusing. There's the reasonable choice that everybody would make, and there's the choice that Sophia Heatherson chose; instead of running out the door yelling for her mommy and holding on for dear life, she grabbed a chair and decided to stay with Jessica, probably the worse decision she has ever made.

But yes, she awkwardly took a seat on the cushioned bench the clinic provided for the other patients. Her awkwardness was evident by her straighter than average posture; she looked like she was in front of the Queen of England or something. Jessica looked up from the cotton ball swirling and didn't even bother to cover the shock on her face when the person she has picked on for all of high school chose to sit down beside her and actually see if she was okay. It was very unusual, especially for Sophia; the girl she has bullied more than anyone in their grade.

"There you go, Ms. Dale. Now if you lovely ladies would excuse me, I have to sort out some files in the back." The nurse kindly said before dismissing herself and headed to the door which lead to her office or something.

Jessica was still curious on why Sophia stayed with her, especially since it was already the end of school. She could have went home and leave her, but she chose to stay here for a reason that was very unclear to her.

Sophia was leaning against the corner of the wall whilst looking at the ceiling fan spin and spin like what a majority of ceiling fans tend to do.

"Why are you here?" Jessica suddenly blurted out through the silence the question that has been ringing through her head ever since she came here.

"What do you mean?" Sophia groggily asked her whilst bringing her wrist to her eyes and rubbed it. Sophia straightened her posture but ended up slouching back down anyway.

"Why did you stay and wait there for me? I mean you're obviously very tired and sleepy. Plus, you probably have better things to do than sit here with me in this virus infected asylum." She described their clinic very well. Their school clinic had this eeriness that made everyone who entered uneasy and very uncomfortable. Maybe that's why nobody goes to the clinic. They avoid it at all cause even if they had a fracture, they would just tell everyone that they were okay. That was probably very exaggerated, but you get what I'm trying to say.

"I wanted to see if you were okay." Sophia told her. Jessica was struck with shock at what Sophia just told her. Any girl would gloat over the fact that they kicked the bitch's ass, but Sophia went the high road for some reason.

"And I wanted to say sorry." Sophia quietly confessed. "I don't know what came over me when I did what I did earlier." She hung her head in shame, even if it was like three hours ago.

Her confession draped another blanket of awkward silence over the clinic, and all you could hear was the whooshing of the ceiling fan as well as the sound of the file organizing drawer in the nurse's office.

"What happened, Jessica? What did I do that made you hate me so much?" Sophia threw a lot of expression in her question. That was a very sensitive thing. 

What did she do to ruin their friendship? 

Jessica fell back on her chair when Sophia's question hit her. Jessica has had a lot of shocks in under an hour. Why not add more?

Sophia was hanging on the edge of the clinic bench. Never in a million years did she think that heaven above would give her a chance like this to ask the million dollar question: What fucked their friendship over?

It was a little while after Sophia met Zach. It started in first grade more or less. Sophia was all alone sitting in the middle of the classroom that was all so new to her. Her superhero Zach was in another class and was probably making friends the moment he stepped in the room.

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