What Are the Chances That They Would See Each Other Again

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Sophia tried going in without being noticed, but that obviously didn't work considering that Jessica's eagle eyes were on her immediately. She tried walking faster towards her usual chair in the corner, until an arm looped around hers unexpectedly; it was obviously Jessica. Sophia could feel all of her bracelets and rings brushing her skin.

"Why are you in such a hurry all the time?" Jessica asked Sophia as if they were both BFFs. Sophia's heart was thumping like a bunny rabbit. She knew that when Jessica does this to her, she has something to tell her.

"Just like you were earlier with Mason." Jessica smirked evilly as she felt Sophia's fear radiating off of her, That face of hers just scared Sophia even more.

"Can you let me go now?" Sophia stuttered out.

"Aw, why? Are you scared cause he's not here to protect you anymore." Right now, her clique was silently snickering because their leader was all over Sophia's face now.

"What? You think I didn't see you making fun of me earlier." Sophia was now shaking like crazy.

"Jessica, let her go." Someone commanded. Sophia expected to see Mason, but it was surprisingly Zach. Maybe he wasn't entirely gone.

Jessica was still holding Sophia which provoked Zach to rip her off of Sophia. Zach slightly pushed  his girlfriend towards her clique who were now glaring at Zach. Before Zach could join her, Sophia stopped him.

"Thank you." She said breathlessly. Looking in his eyes. Sophia did notice something different. Some of Jessica's attitude must have rubbed off on him, because he was glaring at her. But Zach's glare wasn't as harsh.

"Don't thank me just yet." He replied coldly as he finally sat next to his 'mistress'. Jessica was just 'apologizing' for what she did, Zach just kissed her on her lips.

Seeing that, Sophia lost all hope of reviving the old Zach, who loved her and protected her.

During the entire class, Sophia mindlessly took down notes while she was doodling all over the back of her notebook. This wasn't the first time she did that. That's the thing about her, even if she dosen't pay attention, she could still take it in. Every time the teacher would call her, she would always be able to answer that.

Whenever the teacher would be facing away from the class, Jessica and Zach would whisper stuff in eachother's ear that would result to both of them laughing and sometimes, this would lead to them stealing a few kisses from each other.

Sophia just placed her hand so that it would be covering them out of her line of vision, but she could still hear the sounds. She was wondering on how the teacher couldn't hear it. All the students could hear it, but they chose to ignore the new 'it' couple. Yeah, ever since their two week anniversary happened, they were announced the new power couple, probably because Jessica still hadn't slept with him. But Jake's party was coming up soon, so they will most likely do it there.

"Class dismissed." The teacher said as he started packing up his stuff into his bag. Hooray! It's the end of the day.

Sophia didn't rush, mainly because she had nothing to rush to. Her peaceful silence was disturbed by Jessica's loud cackle. She thought it was just a coincidence, but then Jessica looked her way with a scowl on her face. Of course, she made sure Sophia heard it.

Well at least Sophia had a reason to rush now: to escape Jessica.

She put her plan into motion and bolted out of the room. She considered to walk straight home, but her parents weren't home and she didn't want to be alone. She headed off to the local park: the same one she met Mason in, but what are the chances that they would see each other again in the exact same place.

She loved going to the park. It reminded her that there was still hope in the world, for some odd reason.

She settled below a very big tree and started plugging her earphones in her ear. As she played the song, she was acting like she was in a movie and that was the background music.

Soon enough, Sophia started feeling sleepy and closed her eyes. As she was about to go into that deep sleep everyone loves, someone scared the living heck out of her.

"AAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!" She yelled, but not loud enough that everyone wold look at her like some weirdo.

"Dude, chill. It's just me." She was surprised to see Mason standing there.

What are the chances?

"Why are you always in the park?" Sophia asked him, still recovering from her heart attack.

Mason just stared at her with wide eyes.

"Sophia, my house is right there." He pointed towards a very big house across the street. Sophia now felt like a total idiot.

"Gees, I'm sorry for screaming at you like that." She apologized for her rudeness.

"No problem. So do you wanna tell me what problems you have now?" He stared at her curiously. Sophia's mouth just fell open.

"What makes you think that I have a new problem?" She asked him like it was absolutely ridiculous.

"'Cuz of your reaction just now." He had this smirk on his face as if he won a million dollars, but he probably already had that.

Sophia just face palmed herself for falling for the same trick twice.

"Come on." Mason said as he hoisted Sophia up from her sitting position. Both of them started walking as Sophia explained all of her problems to him. Again.

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