The Awkwardness of the Mornings After Epic Parties

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Maybe last night's party went a little out of hand. Sophia and Mason may or may not have waken up in bed with complete strangers.

Sophia rolled over to see Blake looking peaceful as he snored silently. She took a peek under the duvet and was super relieved to find that she was still wearing decent clothes, but they weren't hers. The white shirt felt pretty loose on her as well as the black boxers. Well, at least she didn't lose her v-card with a drunken stranger.

Mason opened his eyes and saw metaphorical Regina George snuggling in his bare chest. He looked around and found all of his clothes tossed around randomly. He shrugged showing no care about sleeping with yet another stranger he barely met. He didn't even know her name.

Both of them managed to sneak out out of bed and get a nice warm shower. Mason picked his clothes up and put it on. Sophia, on the other hand, had no idea whatsoever on where her clothes from last night went which means that she was left with nothing but the clothes she woke up in.

Sophia successfully snuck out of Blake's room without waking him up. She walked barefoot down the wooden staircase and brushed her messed up hair out with her fingers. She managed to find the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of cereal.

Her cereal was pretty yummy and she was indulging the creaminess known as milk. Sophia jumped when she heard footsteps approaching.

Shoot, what if it was Blake's mom or something?

Her eyes widened in anticipation as well as a little panic, but was immediately relieved when it was just shirtless Mason making his way to the kitchen.

"What are you doing here?" They both said in the same time the moment they saw each other.

Sophia just shook her head and threw both hands up in the air because she was pissed in the pickle they ended up being in.

"Damn it." Sophia said as she was starting to have a mini panic attack as well as a little heart attack. She was too embarrassed that Mason had caught her red handed. It was so annoying.

"I found myself in Blake's bed this morning." She said a little embarrassed of her recklessness.

Mason raised an eyebrow. He was impressed by how much she let loose, but deep inside, his anger was flaring hardcore that it was probably hotter than the sun's core.

"What the heck are you so happy about?" Sophia said, confused by his reaction.

"And why are you even here? Shirtless?" Now it was her turn to scrunch her eyebrows in confusion.

"I woke up with that weirdo last night." He bluntly replied.

Sophia raised her eyebrows.

"You know, the weirdo that was humping me last night on the dance floor." Mason elaborated much to Sophia's dismay. Her face instantly transformed into one that clearly expressed her disgust for what he just said.

"Yeah, I remember." She snapped as she tried shooing the topic, as well as the conversation, away

"Ya jealous, huh?" He smirked at her.

Sophia's face immediately morphed into a face of shock.

"I would never!" Sophia screeched. "And besides, I've seem better." Mason tilted his chin up.

"Last night." Sophia smirked evilly.

She wasn't getting the reaction she wanted though. What she saw made her feel guilty. Mason looked hurt. Sophia dropped her smirk and showed her worry.

"Hey, I was just-" Her apology-like statement was cut off.

"Don't apologize I'm glad that you had fun last night." He masked his hurt with a neutral face, but Sophia knew better.

"Oh hey, I see you're awake." Blake's voice sounded as he cane in the kitchen, ruffling his hair. And of course, he was also shirtless and his jeans hung loosely on his hips.

"Mason? What are you doing here?" Blake asked. Sophia was weirded out seeing two shirtless men this close up.

"What are you doing here?" Mason blurted out, not wanting to back down. He didn't even run that question through his head.

"Uh, it's my house." Blake replied in a 'duh' tone.

Mason looked away, embarrassed of his stupidity. He couldn't believe how ridiculous he must have sounded saying something dumb like that in front of two fairly intellectual individuals.

You could hear Sophia snickering in the background.

"I woke up with a girl in one of your rooms, dude." Mason explained.

"Yup, not the first time." Blake snickered which made Mason snicker which meant two shirtless men with epic abs snickering in front of a super red Sophia Heatherson.

Sophia finally got her hormones under control and got her body under some serious management.

"Mason, I need you to drive me home." Sophia said in a small voice as she started rubbing her arm nervously, considering how awkward the situation has become.

"Sure." He immediately replied as he fiddled in his pockets for his car keys until  Blake butted in.

"Wait, I can drive you home." He offered her and Mason started glaring hate towards him.

"No, Blake it's fine." Sophia smiled sweetly. "Mason still needs to take me shopping anyway." She smiled his direction while a mixture of panic, anger, and shock instantly fell on his face.

Mason's head whipped towards her. He so didn't remember agreeing to anything. Even if he were drunk, he knew that he would not be so dumb to agree to go shopping with a girl. All they do is make it look like you're gonna have fun as well, then you get all pumped up until you realize that they just needed a butler to carry all of their useless crap.

"What?" He asked shocked.

"Yeah, you're taking me shopping." She told him straight up.

Mason scratched his head. "Yeah, I don't remember agreeing to anything." He said.

"You kinda did." This was Sophia's mini revenge on Mason for persuading her into sleeping with a guy in the same bed; something she has never done before.

"Good luck, bro." Blake laid a friendly pat on his shoulder. "And I hope that I'll see you around, Sophia." He shot her a flirtatious wink which made Sophia blush like crazy.

"Bye, Blake." She waved goodbye at him like an innocent little girl.

Blake waved back and went back up his room.

"Well, that was pretty awkward." Sophia kind of dropped her sweet girl act instantly after Blake and his toned chest left the kitchen. She was now left with Mason, and it was still awkward since he still needed decent clothing.

Suddenly, a few sarcastic claps resonated through the kitchen and of course, it came from Mason who was still on the same spot he has been through this whole morning.

"Bravissimo, you could not have executed it any better." Mason said with a proud smile. Maybe he finally realized that his girl was finally learning how to do wrap guys around her little finger.

"But seriously, you're taking me shopping." Sophia said in a more serious tone as she dragged a groaning Mason out of the door.

"Seriously?" He groaned as if he was being forced into it; which he probably was. Sophia continued dragging him out to Blake's driveway where his car spent the whole night.

"Yup." Sophia smiled a very victorious smile while Mason was frowning a very depressed frown.

Mason realized that there was no stopping this perfect storm, so he just got his keys and unlocked the car. Sophia got in quickly, while Mason did so reluctantly.

Truly a match made in heaven.

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