Who Parks Their Motorcycles in the Middle of the Sidewalk?

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The weekend was quickly approaching and Sophia still hasn't heard anything from Zach. She would always be in her room checking up on her laptop and her cellphone. hoping that Zach would talk to her again or at least reply to her multiple apologies. Every time Sophia would try and visit his house, his mother would tell her that he was out with either Jessica or his guy friends.

"Cheer up, dear. I'm sure he'll come around in his own time." Mrs. Wilson, Zach's mom told her as well as landing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

The only thing she could do was nod her head. "Thanks, Aunt Betty." Sophia said her goodbyes and headed off to the park hoping to find the answer to all her life's problem.

Zach's mom was a very nice woman who was widowed five years ago, and she was obviously there when Zach trapped himself in his room with a bunch of tissue boxes. She even made sure to get him four ply whenever he would run out. And she would sleep with him on his bed whenever he had nightmares about how his dad was murdered in the army. Everyone already assumed that they were lovers, but not Zach. Nope, he was oblivious through the entire thing.

So there she was sitting under the cool shade of the tree as she watched adorable kids throw a flying disc thing, also known as a Frisbee. Seeing kids play outside made her smile, now that she saw that not all children waste their time on useless and sometimes inappropriate things on the internet.

After about fifteen minutes just sitting down and enjoying the sunshine and laughter, she got up and started walking some rounds around the park. A few miles later, she couldn't resist the urge to bring out her phone and check if Zach left her any new messages, but there was still nothing.

"God, Zach. Why can't you just forgive me?" She asked hopelessly to her cellphone screen that displayed Zach's number as well as his name beside his goofy picture, whihc made her smile.

After a few steps through the park's sidewalk, she started talking to her phone again which was kinda creepy for anyone who was watching her.

"You know what?" She declared with determination in her eyes. "If you're not going to forgive me, then I'll just have to ma-" Her sentence was cut off by her screaming as she stumbled upon a freaking black but very shiny motorcycle in the middle of the sidewalk, leaving very obvious and visible scratch marks on it.

"What the fuck?" Somebody yelled at her and he sounded pretty pissed off. Sophia, though was not willing to sit around and wait for that guy to sue her for everything she's got, which wasn't much anyway besides a few dollars plus a lot of romance novels.

"Oh shit." She muttered to herself as she started running. It's funny that even though someone was chasing and or might kill her, she was still running in a very girly way. You know, with her hands raised in the air like everything had cooties in it and her feet weren't really running but more like she was skipping.

"Hey, Blondie! Stop!" The pissed off voice continued yelling at her. It shocked her that after she had been running for ten minutes, he was still chasing her and over what? A stupid motorcycle.

After a few more miles of running, she heard him growl which very much disturbed her. Her plan was very simple: outrun him and get back home, but that wasn't turning out right because he was always on her tail.

I mean like how does he run so fast? Or was she just slow?

Sophia suddenly yelped as she felt herself get tackled on the grass. They also started rolling and rolling and rolling across the grass, because she wouldn't stop struggling and whats —his —name always wanted to literally be on top.

She still continued to struggle, but the stranger had another thing in mind as he settled himself on top of her so that he would be straddling her as well as be able to hold her wrists in his to prevent her from hitting him.

"Let go of me." She demanded as she continued struggling and trying to free her wrists, which was useless considering that his hands were so much bigger than hers.

"Not a chance, sweetheart." He said as he finally got her wrists against her chest. "No one damages my property and gets away with it, especially to my bike." He leaned in closer, too close if you ask Sophia.

"Who gets this worked up over a stupid motorcycle?" She asked him in annoyance. What she said to him earned her an extreme death glare, and all of that made her egret her words and want to bury her head in the sand like an ostrich that was going to get bullied by a guy all because of a motorcycle.

"What did you just say?" He asked with his eyes wide open, daring her to repeat her words.

"I said that it's just a stupid motorcycle.Now get off of me!" She exclaimed, emphasizing the word 'stupid'. He finally met some reason and started getting up as well as offering her his hand to take, but taking that offer would ruin her girl pride so she just stood up by herself and dusted of the dirt that accumulated on her clothes.

"I'm Mason." He introduced himself with a random smile that came out of nowhere. He even offered her his hand to shake, which she rudely slapped away.

"Well, Mason." It was weird for Sophia to use his name for the first time. "I have enough problems as it is, I don't need some whack job to chase me over something so small as a motorcycle." She snapped at him and soon tries walking away from him, but Mason followed.

"So what's your name?" He tried asking her as he finally caught up to where she was and walked beside her.

His question completely ticked her off. "Were you not listening to anything I just said?" She yelled at him.

"Name?" He kept pushing the question and asking her even though she was clearly furious.

"Sophia." She reluctantly answered, but if that's what it takes to make him shut up.

"Okay Sophia, so what problems are we talking about here?" He asked her as he rubbed the palm of his hands together as if he were getting ready for something.

"My problems. Do you get that? My problems." She snapped while waving her finger like it's a weapon and emphasizing the point that it was her problem and her problem alone.

"Guy problems, huh?" Sophia's head whipped towards him hiding her amazement on how the heck he knew that.

"How do you know?" She asked in disbelief. For some reason, he chose to let out a chuckle.

"First of all, that's the most common problem that girls have. Second, your reaction gave it away." He said with a humorous smile slapped on his face. Sophia just face palmed herself on how stupid she was to think that he really knew.

After holding it in for so long, he just couldn't help it and had to burst out in a fit of laughter. If it were any possible, Sophia's face got grumpier and she started picking up her pace.

"Oh come on." She heard running behind her. "I was just joking." He exclaimed in a much calmer voice.

"Well this is very serious, Mason." She stared down on her phone, still upset that Zach hasn't called her yet or even left her a message.

Mason looked at her with a very soft expression replacing his playful one.

"Hey, it's okay." He comforted her as he put his arm around her shoulders and rubbed it gently.

She just looked at him with a look of gratitude and nodded at him with a flat line on her lips.

"Well, it's getting late." He stated after looking down on his expensive watch. "And I bet that you have to get home already." He continued. "So we'll talk again tomorrow." He finished with a friendly expression on his face.

"Tomorrow?" Sophia tilted her head towards the side in her confusion. As far as she knew, she didn't know this guy anywhere else except here.

A smirk just played on his lips.

"You'll see." He told her as he walked away, probably to get his motorcycle.

Sophia was still confused at what he meant, but she was soon surprised to see that they stopped right in front of her house. What are the chances?

She got in and since her parents had a dinner to attend to, and she fixed herself up a simple sandwich with some juice and headed upstairs to get ready for school tomorrow.

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